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Brewin Dolphin Limited
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Yield after charges:
Investment Name Crown Rating OBSR Rating GIA ISA SIPP BOND RE-REG Sector Type Unit/Share Type Discounted Initial Charge % TER% OCF% AMC% from 7% from 6% Pricing Wealthtime Dealing Point Select
MI Brwn Dlphn Vgy Max 70% Eq A Inc 3 Y Y Y Y Y North America OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.75 0.25 4.75 3.77 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Sub-fund aims to provide an income stream and the opportunity for capital growth through an exposure to equities of up to 70%
MI Brwn Dlphn Vgy Max 80% Eq A Acc 3 Y Y Y Y Y North America OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.76 0.25 4.74 3.76 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Sub-fund aims to provide a balance between capital growth and income through an exposure to equities of up to 80%
MI Brwn Dlphn Vgy Max 80% Eq A Inc 3 Y Y Y Y Y North America OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.76 0.25 4.74 3.76 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Sub-fund aims to provide a balance between capital growth and income through an exposure to equities of up to 80%
MI Brwn Dlphn Vgy Max 90% Eq A Acc 2 Y Y Y Y Y North America OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.77 0.25 4.73 3.75 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Sub-fund aims to provide capital growth with some level of income through an exposure to equities of up to 90%
MI Brwn Dlphn Vgy Max 90% Eq A Inc 2 Y Y Y Y Y North America OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.77 0.25 4.73 3.75 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Sub-fund aims to provide capital growth with some level of income through an exposure to equities of up to 90%
MI BrwnDlphnVoygMx100%Eq A Acc Y Y Y Y Y North America OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.80 0.25 4.70 3.72 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Sub-fund’s principal objective is to provide capital growth and some income through an exposure to equities of up to 100% of the portfolio
MI BrwnDlphnVoygMx100%Eq A Inc Y Y Y Y Y North America OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.80 0.25 4.70 3.72 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Sub-fund’s principal objective is to provide capital growth and some income through an exposure to equities of up to 100% of the portfolio
MI Sel Mgrs North Am Eq O Acc 2 Y Y Y Y Y North America OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.55 0.18 4.96 3.98 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund will aim to achieve long term capital growth and income
MI Sel Mgrs North Am Eq O Inc 2 Y Y Y Y Y North America OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.55 0.18 4.96 3.98 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund will aim to achieve long term capital growth and income
MI Sel Mgrs UK Eq Inc O Acc 3 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.78 0.36 4.72 3.74 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund will aim to provide income along with an opportunity for long term capital appreciation.
MI Sel Mgrs UK Eq Inc O Inc 3 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.78 0.36 4.72 3.74 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund will aim to provide income along with an opportunity for long term capital appreciation.
MI Select Managers Bond O Acc 3 Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.56 0.15 4.95 3.97 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund will aim to provide income along with an opportunity for capital growth
MI Select Managers Bond O Inc 3 Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.56 0.15 4.95 3.97 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund will aim to provide income along with an opportunity for capital growth
MI Select Managers UK Equity O Acc 2 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.73 0.33 4.77 3.79 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund will aim to achieve long term capital growth and income
MI Select Managers UK Equity O Inc 2 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.73 0.33 4.77 3.79 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund will aim to achieve long term capital growth and income
MI SlctManagrAlt O Acc Y Y Y Y Y Specialist OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.81 0.18 4.69 3.71 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund will aim to provide a positive return after costs (from investment growth and income) on a rolling five year basis
MI SlctManagrAlt O Inc Y Y Y Y Y Specialist OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.81 0.18 4.69 3.71 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund will aim to provide a positive return after costs (from investment growth and income) on a rolling five year basis
Brook Asset Management
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Yield after charges:
Investment Name Crown Rating OBSR Rating GIA ISA SIPP BOND RE-REG Sector Type Unit/Share Type Discounted Initial Charge % TER% OCF% AMC% from 7% from 6% Pricing Wealthtime Dealing Point Select
Ar En Fcs Abs Rtn I Inc GBP 4 Y Y Y Y Y Europe Ex UK SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 1.05 0.75 4.44 3.46 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The investment objective of the Sub-Fund is to provide a positive absolute return independent of market conditions over the medium to long term. The Sub-Fund aims to achieve long term capital appreciation.
Brooks Macdonald Asset Managem
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Yield after charges:
Investment Name Crown Rating OBSR Rating GIA ISA SIPP BOND RE-REG Sector Type Unit/Share Type Discounted Initial Charge % TER% OCF% AMC% from 7% from 6% Pricing Wealthtime Dealing Point Select
SVSBrksMacddBpBal A A 3 Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 1.06 0.50 4.43 3.45 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Sub-Fund aims to provide a combination of capital growth and income over the long term (at least five years).
SVSBrksMacddBpCG A A 2 Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.98 0.50 4.51 3.54 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Sub-Fund aims to deliver capital growth over the long term (at least five years), while providing income.
SVSBrksMacddBpDI A I 3 Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.96 0.50 4.53 3.56 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Sub-Fund aims to provide income over the long term (at least five years), while maintaining capital.
SVSBrksMacddBpSG A A 1 Y Y Y Y Y North America OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 1.09 0.50 4.40 3.42 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Sub-Fund aims to provide capital growth over the long term (at least five years).
SVSBrksMacddDC A Acc 3 Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.79 0.75 4.71 3.73 Single 9:00AM Daily
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Objective: The Sub-Fund aims to provide capital growth over the long term (at least five years) and positive absolute returns over rolling three year periods. Returns are not guaranteed over any time period therefore capital is at risk.
SVSBrksMacddDC A Inc 3 Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 1.51 0.75 3.97 2.99 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Sub-Fund aims to provide capital growth over the long term (at least five years) and positive absolute returns over rolling three year periods. Returns are not guaranteed over any time period therefore capital is at risk.
SVSCornCau D Acc 4 Y Y Y Y Y UK Fixed Interest OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.80 0.50 4.70 3.72 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the Fund is to achieve long term capital growth and income delivering average annual investment returns (total returns, net of fees) of at least Retail Price Index (RPI) + 1.5% over a five to seven year investment cycle. The Fund will have a diversified portfolio. Ordinarily the assets will be invested in direct and indirect investments with a balance between fixed income and equity investments. There is no specific limit in exposure to any sector or geographic area.
SVSCornCau D Inc 4 Y Y Y Y Y UK Fixed Interest OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.80 0.50 4.70 3.72 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the Fund is to achieve long term capital growth and income delivering average annual investment returns (total returns, net of fees) of at least Retail Price Index (RPI) + 1.5% over a five to seven year investment cycle. The Fund will have a diversified portfolio. Ordinarily the assets will be invested in direct and indirect investments with a balance between fixed income and equity investments. There is no specific limit in exposure to any sector or geographic area.
SVSCornCauRMP G Acc Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.44 0.20 5.07 4.09 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide a combination of capital growth and income over the long term, delivering average annual investment returns (total returns, net of fees) of at least Retail Price Index (RPI) + 1.5% over a five to seven year investment cycle, by investing in a balanced portfolio of investments from the UK and around the world, in a range of economic sectors. The majority of the Fund will be invested in passively managed funds that track the performance of an underlying index.
SVSCornCauRMP G Inc Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.47 0.20 5.04 4.06 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide a combination of capital growth and income over the long term, delivering average annual investment returns (total returns, net of fees) of at least Retail Price Index (RPI) + 1.5% over a five to seven year investment cycle, by investing in a balanced portfolio of investments from the UK and around the world, in a range of economic sectors. The majority of the Fund will be invested in passively managed funds that track the performance of an underlying index.
SVSCornDef D Acc 2 Y Y Y Y Y UK Fixed Interest OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.84 0.50 4.66 3.68 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the Fund is to achieve long term capital growth and income delivering average annual investment returns (total returns, net of fees) of at least Retail Price Index (RPI) + 1.0% over a five to seven year investment cycle. The Fund will have a diversified portfolio. The majority of the assets will be fixed income funds, bonds issued by government and other organisations, cash, deposits and money market instruments. There is no specific limit in exposure to any sector or geographic area.
SVSCornDef D Inc 2 Y Y Y Y Y UK Fixed Interest OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.84 0.50 4.66 3.68 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the Fund is to achieve long term capital growth and income delivering average annual investment returns (total returns, net of fees) of at least Retail Price Index (RPI) + 1.0% over a five to seven year investment cycle. The Fund will have a diversified portfolio. The majority of the assets will be fixed income funds, bonds issued by government and other organisations, cash, deposits and money market instruments. There is no specific limit in exposure to any sector or geographic area.
SVSCornDefRMP G Acc Y Y Y Y Y UK Fixed Interest OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.41 0.20 5.11 4.12 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide long term capital growth and income delivering average annual investment returns (total returns, net of fees) of at least Retail Price Index (RPI) + 1.0% over a five to seven year investment cycle, by investing in a portfolio of investments from the UK and around the world, in a range of economic sectors. The majority of the assets will be invested in passive funds that track the performance of an underlying index
SVSCornDefRMP G Inc Y Y Y Y Y UK Fixed Interest OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.52 0.20 4.99 4.01 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide long term capital growth and income delivering average annual investment returns (total returns, net of fees) of at least Retail Price Index (RPI) + 1.0% over a five to seven year investment cycle, by investing in a portfolio of investments from the UK and around the world, in a range of economic sectors. The majority of the assets will be invested in passive funds that track the performance of an underlying index
SVSCrnGwt D Acc 3 Y Y Y Y Y North America OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.83 0.50 4.67 3.69 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the Fund is to achieve long term capital growth delivering average annual investment returns (total returns, net of fees) of at least Retail Price Index (RPI) + 2.5% over a five to seven year investment cycle. The Fund will have a diversified portfolio. Ordinarily the emphasis of the assets will be to invest in equities, bonds issued by governments and other organisations and equity funds. There is no specific limit in exposure to any sector or geographic area.
SVSCrnGwt D Inc 3 Y Y Y Y Y North America OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.89 0.50 4.61 3.63 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the Fund is to achieve long term capital growth delivering average annual investment returns (total returns, net of fees) of at least Retail Price Index (RPI) + 2.5% over a five to seven year investment cycle. The Fund will have a diversified portfolio. Ordinarily the emphasis of the assets will be to invest in equities, bonds issued by governments and other organisations and equity funds. There is no specific limit in exposure to any sector or geographic area.
SVSCrnGwtRMP G Acc Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.39 0.20 5.13 4.14 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide long term capital growth delivering average annual investment returns (total returns, net of fees) of at least Retail Price Index (RPI) + 2.5% over a five to seven year investment cycle, by investing in a portfolio of investments from the UK and around the world, in a range of economic sectors. The majority of the assets will be invested in passive funds that track the performance of an underlying index.
SVSCrnGwtRMP G Inc Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.43 0.20 5.08 4.10 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide long term capital growth delivering average annual investment returns (total returns, net of fees) of at least Retail Price Index (RPI) + 2.5% over a five to seven year investment cycle, by investing in a portfolio of investments from the UK and around the world, in a range of economic sectors. The majority of the assets will be invested in passive funds that track the performance of an underlying index.
SVSCrnMngGwt D Acc 3 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.83 0.50 4.67 3.69 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the Fund is to achieve long term capital growth and income delivering average annual investment returns (total returns, net of fees) of at least Retail Price Index (RPI) + 2.0% over a five to seven year investment cycle. The Fund will have a diversified portfolio. Ordinarily the majority of the assets will be invested in equities, bonds issued by governments and other organisations and equity funds. There is no specific limit in exposure to any sector or geographic area.
SVSCrnMngGwt D Inc 3 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.82 0.50 4.68 3.70 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the Fund is to achieve long term capital growth and income delivering average annual investment returns (total returns, net of fees) of at least Retail Price Index (RPI) + 2.0% over a five to seven year investment cycle. The Fund will have a diversified portfolio. Ordinarily the majority of the assets will be invested in equities, bonds issued by governments and other organisations and equity funds. There is no specific limit in exposure to any sector or geographic area.
SVSCrnMngGwtRMP G Acc Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.42 0.20 5.09 4.11 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide long term capital growth and income delivering average annual investment returns (total returns, net of fees) of at least Retail Price Index (RPI)+ 2.0% over a five to seven year investment cycle, by investing in a portfolio of investments from the UK and around the world, in a range of economic sectors. The majority of the assets will be invested in passive funds that track the performance of an underlying index.
SVSCrnMngGwtRMP G Inc Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.45 0.20 5.06 4.08 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide long term capital growth and income delivering average annual investment returns (total returns, net of fees) of at least Retail Price Index (RPI)+ 2.0% over a five to seven year investment cycle, by investing in a portfolio of investments from the UK and around the world, in a range of economic sectors. The majority of the assets will be invested in passive funds that track the performance of an underlying index.
SVSCrnMngInc D Inc 3 Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.85 0.50 4.65 3.67 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the Fund is to achieve long term capital growth and income delivering average annual investment returns (total returns, net of fees) of at least Retail Price Index (RPI) + 2.0% over a five to seven year investment cycle. The Fund will have a diversified portfolio. Ordinarily the majority of the assets will be invested in equities, bonds issued by governments and other organisations and equity funds. There is no specific limit in exposure to any sector or geographic area.
SVSCrnPro D Acc 3 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.84 0.50 4.66 3.68 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the Fund is to achieve long term capital growth delivering average annual investment returns (total returns, net of fees) of at least Retail Price Index (RPI) + 3.0% over a five to seven year investment cycle. The Fund will have a diversified portfolio. Ordinarily the assets will be primarily invested in equities or equity funds. There is no specific limit in exposure to any sector or geographic area.
SVSCrnProRMP G Acc Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.41 0.20 5.11 4.12 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide long term capital growth delivering average annual investment returns (total returns, net of fees) of at least Retail Price Index (RPI) + 3.0% over a five to seven year investment cycle, by investing in a portfolio of investments from the UK and around the world, in a range of economic sectors. The majority of the assets will be invested in passive funds that track the performance of an underlying index.
SVSCrnProRMP G Inc Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.45 0.20 5.06 4.08 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide long term capital growth delivering average annual investment returns (total returns, net of fees) of at least Retail Price Index (RPI) + 3.0% over a five to seven year investment cycle, by investing in a portfolio of investments from the UK and around the world, in a range of economic sectors. The majority of the assets will be invested in passive funds that track the performance of an underlying index.
Brown Advisory LLC
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Yield after charges:
Investment Name Crown Rating OBSR Rating GIA ISA SIPP BOND RE-REG Sector Type Unit/Share Type Discounted Initial Charge % TER% OCF% AMC% from 7% from 6% Pricing Wealthtime Dealing Point Select
BA BG USV SIUH A 2 Y Y Y Y Y North America SIB Acc 0.00 N/A 0.70 0.60 4.80 3.82 n/a 2:00PM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the Fund is to achieve capital appreciation by investing primarily in U.S. equities.
BA BG USV SIUH D 2 Y Y Y Y Y North America SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 0.70 0.60 4.80 3.82 n/a 2:00PM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the Fund is to achieve capital appreciation by investing primarily in U.S. equities.
Brown Advisory Gbl Ldrs B A 3 Y Y Y Y Y North America SIB Acc 0.00 N/A 0.86 0.75 4.64 3.66 n/a 2:00PM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to achieve its investment objective by investing primarily in global equity securities.
Brown Advisory Gbl Ldrs B Inc GBP 3 Y Y Y Y Y North America SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 0.86 0.75 4.64 3.66 n/a 2:00PM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to achieve its investment objective by investing primarily in global equity securities.
Brown Advisory Gbl Ldrs BH A 3 Y Y Y Y Y North America SIB Acc 0.00 N/A 0.91 0.75 4.59 3.61 n/a 2:00PM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to achieve its investment objective by investing primarily in global equity securities.
Brown Advisory GlbLdrSus B A 4 Y Y Y Y Y North America SIB Acc 0.00 N/A 0.86 0.75 4.63 3.66 n/a 2:00PM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the Fund is to achieve capital appreciation by investing primarily in global equities.
Brown Advisory GSTRtB SterClB A Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest SIB Acc 0.00 N/A 0.63 0.45 4.88 3.90 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the Fund is to target a positive total return (comprising current income and capital gains) above the Bank of England’s SONIA Compounded Index (the “Target Benchmark”) over a full economic cycle, by investing in a broad range of global fixed-income securities and associated FDIs and currencies. The Fund is not constrained by any benchmark.
Brown Advisory GSTRtB SterClB I Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 0.64 0.45 4.87 3.89 n/a 2:00PM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the Fund is to target a positive total return (comprising current income and capital gains) above the Bank of England’s SONIA Compounded Index (the “Target Benchmark”) over a full economic cycle, by investing in a broad range of global fixed-income securities and associated FDIs and currencies. The Fund is not constrained by any benchmark.
Brown Advisory US Eq Gth BHg 1 Y Y Y Y Y North America SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 0.90 0.75 4.60 3.62 Single 2:00PM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to achieve capital growth. The Fund will be primarily invested in US equities. The Fund invests in medium and large-sized companies listed or traded on US markets and exchanges, generally whose total market values are above USD 2 billion and that have demonstrated an above-average rate of earnings growth over the last few years with prospects for above-average, sustainable growth in the future. The Fund may also invest in US Rule 144A Securities, American Depositary Receipts, US treasury bills, fixed and/or floating rate US government securities and other ancillary liquid assets.
Brown Advisory US Flx Eq B H GBP 3 Y Y Y Y Y North America SIB Acc 0.00 N/A 0.90 0.75 4.59 3.62 Single 2:00PM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to achieve capital growth. At least 80% of the Fund will be invested in equity securities. The Fund invests in mid-size and large companies generally with market capitalisations above $2billion at the time of purchase that the Investment Manager believes have strong, or improving, long-term business characteristics and share prices that do not reflect these favourable fundamental attributes and which are listed or traded on US markets and exchanges. The Fund may also invest in: non- US securities, convertible debt securities including US Rule 144a Securities, American and Global Depositary Receipts, US treasury bills, fixed and/or floating rate US government securities, real estate investment trusts and unlisted securities.
Brown Advisory US Flx Eq B I GBP 3 Y Y Y Y Y North America SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 0.85 0.75 4.64 3.66 n/a 2:00PM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to achieve capital growth. At least 80% of the Fund will be invested in equity securities. The Fund invests in mid-size and large companies generally with market capitalisations above $2billion at the time of purchase that the Investment Manager believes have strong, or improving, long-term business characteristics and share prices that do not reflect these favourable fundamental attributes and which are listed or traded on US markets and exchanges. The Fund may also invest in: non- US securities, convertible debt securities including US Rule 144a Securities, American and Global Depositary Receipts, US treasury bills, fixed and/or floating rate US government securities, real estate investment trusts and unlisted securities.
Brown Advisory US Sm Cos B GBP 2 Y Y Y Y Y North America SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 0.85 0.75 4.64 3.67 Single 2:00PM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to achieve capital growth. At least 80% of the Fund will be invested in US equities. The Fund invests in small-sized companies listed or traded on US markets and exchanges, generally whose total market values are equal to or less than USD 5 billion at the time of initial investment. The Fund may also invest in US Rule 144A Securities, American Depositary Receipts, US treasury bills, fixed and/or floating rate US government securities and other ancillary liquid assets.
Brown Advisory US Sm Cos B H A 2 Y Y Y Y Y North America SIB Acc 0.00 N/A 0.90 0.75 4.60 3.62 n/a 2:00PM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to achieve capital growth. At least 80% of the Fund will be invested in US equities. The Fund invests in small-sized companies listed or traded on US markets and exchanges, generally whose total market values are equal to or less than USD 5 billion at the time of initial investment. The Fund may also invest in US Rule 144A Securities, American Depositary Receipts, US treasury bills, fixed and/or floating rate US government securities and other ancillary liquid assets.
Brown Advisory US Sus Gwt B A 3 Bronze Y Y Y Y Y North America SIB Acc 0.00 N/A 0.85 0.75 4.65 3.67 n/a 2:00PM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to achieve capital growth.
Brown Advisory US Sus Gwt B H A 3 Bronze Y Y Y Y Y North America SIB Acc 0.00 N/A 0.89 0.75 4.60 3.63 n/a 2:00PM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to achieve capital growth.
Brown Advisory US Sus Gwt B I 3 Bronze Y Y Y Y Y North America SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 0.85 0.75 4.65 3.67 n/a 2:00PM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to achieve capital growth.
Brown Advisory USMCGrth B A 1 Y Y Y Y Y North America SIB Acc 0.00 N/A 0.91 0.75 4.58 3.61 n/a 2:00PM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to achieve capital growth. The Fund invests at least 80% of its net assets in equity securities of midcap US companies. The Fund seeks to invest primarily in mid-size companies with above average growth prospects and which are listed or traded on the US markets and exchanges listed in Appendix I of the Prospectus. Mid-cap companies are companies whose market capitalisations are equal to or more than $1.5 billion at the time the Fund purchases the issuer’s securities (“Market Capitalisation Range”). The Fund may invest in US Rule 144A Securities, American and Global Depository Receipts, US treasury bills, fixed and/or floating rate US government securities and ancillary liquid assets.
Brown Shipley
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Yield after charges:
Investment Name Crown Rating OBSR Rating GIA ISA SIPP BOND RE-REG Sector Type Unit/Share Type Discounted Initial Charge % TER% OCF% AMC% from 7% from 6% Pricing Wealthtime Dealing Point Select
SVS Brown Shipley Balanced I Acc 1 Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 1.12 0.75 4.37 3.39 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: A balanced multi asset portfolio seeking investment returns via a combination of income and capital growth assets.
SVS Brown Shipley Balanced I Inc 1 Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 1.01 0.75 4.48 3.50 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: A balanced multi asset portfolio seeking investment returns via a combination of income and capital growth assets.
SVS Brown Shipley Cautious I Acc 2 Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 1.28 0.75 4.20 3.23 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: A cautious multi asset portfolio seeking investment returns via a focus on lower risk, income producing assets.
SVS Brown Shipley Cautious I Inc 2 Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 1.20 0.75 4.28 3.31 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: A cautious multi asset portfolio seeking investment returns via a focus on lower risk, income producing assets.
SVSBrownShipleyDyn I Acc 2 Y Y Y Y Y North America OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.98 0.75 4.51 3.54 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: A dynamic multi asset portfolio seeking investment returns, via a focus on higher risk, growth based assets.
SVSBrownShipleyDyn I Inc 2 Y Y Y Y Y North America OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.98 0.75 4.51 3.54 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: A dynamic multi asset portfolio seeking investment returns, via a focus on higher risk, growth based assets.
SVSBrownShipleyGth I Inc 2 Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.96 0.75 4.53 3.56 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: A multi-asset portfolio seeking investment returns, via a focus on capital growth assets.
SVSBrownShipleyInc I Inc 1 Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 1.04 0.75 4.45 3.47 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: A multi-asset portfolio seeking investment returns, via a focus on income producing assets.
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Yield after charges:
Investment Name Crown Rating OBSR Rating GIA ISA SIPP BOND RE-REG Sector Type Unit/Share Type Discounted Initial Charge % TER% OCF% AMC% from 7% from 6% Pricing Wealthtime Dealing Point Select
Candriam BondsGblHgYld RQ Hg D 3 Neutral Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 0.91 0.70 4.58 3.61 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: L'objectif du compartiment est de bénéficier de la performance du marché des obligations à haut rendement et émises par des émetteurs du secteur privé, par le biais d'une gestion discrétionnaire. Ces titres à haut rendement sont généralement moins bien notés et exposés à des risques de crédit et de liquidité plus élevés que les titres mieux notés; dès lors ces titres à haut rendement peuvent être soumis à des fluctuations de valeur de marché plus importantes et à une liquidité plus faible.
Candriam EqLBtchnlg RU C 5 Bronze Y Y Y Y Y North America SIB Acc 0.00 N/A 1.10 0.80 4.39 3.41 n/a 9:00AM Daily
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Objective: Candriam Equities L Biotechnology, a sub-fund of the Candriam Equities L sicav, invests globally in companies developing medicines across various disease areas. The fund can also invest in molecular diagnostics and scientific equipment companies. Given the history of innovation in the US biotechnology sector, most of the fund is invested in US companies. The investment process is based on a thorough understanding and assessment of clinical data of investigational drugs. Investment decisions are made by a dedicated team of experienced professionals with relevant scientific and financial backgrounds.<br />
Candriam EqLOnclgyImp IUH Acc GBP 5 Y Y Y Y Y North America SIB Acc 0.00 N/A 1.00 0.80 4.49 3.51 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: L'objectif du compartiment est de bénéficier de la performance du marché des actions mondiales de sociétés actives dans le domaine de l'oncologie (étude, diagnostic, traitement, etc. du/contre le cancer).
Candriam SEEM IU Acc GBP 1 Y Y Y Y Y Global Emerging Markets SIB Acc 0.00 N/A 0.91 0.70 4.58 3.61 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The aim of the Sub-Fund is to enable shareholders to benefit from the growth potential of the emerging equity markets with an investment in equities selected by the portfolio management team on a discretionary basis and to outperform the benchmark
Capital Group
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Yield after charges:
Investment Name Crown Rating OBSR Rating GIA ISA SIPP BOND RE-REG Sector Type Unit/Share Type Discounted Initial Charge % TER% OCF% AMC% from 7% from 6% Pricing Wealthtime Dealing Point Select
Capital Group EBdL Z GBP 2 Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest SIB Acc 0.00 N/A 0.60 0.50 4.91 3.93 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The fund seeks to maximize total return through a combination of income and capital gains, with a view towards preservation of capital, by investing primarily in euro-denominated investment grade bonds. The fund also evaluates and applies ESG and norms-based screening to implement a negative screening policy relating to investments in corporate and sovereign issuers.
Capital Group EBdL Zd GBP 2 Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 0.60 0.50 4.91 3.93 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The fund seeks to maximize total return through a combination of income and capital gains, with a view towards preservation of capital, by investing primarily in euro-denominated investment grade bonds. The fund also evaluates and applies ESG and norms-based screening to implement a negative screening policy relating to investments in corporate and sovereign issuers.
Capital Group EG&IL Z GBP 4 Y Y Y Y Y Europe Ex UK SIB Acc 0.00 N/A 0.90 0.75 4.60 3.62 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The fund seeks to achieve long-term growth of capital and income by investing in companies domiciled and/or having their principal place of business in Europe. Preservation of capital is also a priority.
Capital Group EG&IL Zd GBP 4 Y Y Y Y Y Europe Ex UK SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 0.90 0.75 4.60 3.62 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The fund seeks to achieve long-term growth of capital and income by investing in companies domiciled and/or having their principal place of business in Europe. Preservation of capital is also a priority.
Capital Group EMTlOpL Z GBP 1 Y Y Y Y Y Global Emerging Markets SIB Acc 0.00 N/A 1.03 0.88 4.46 3.48 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The fund seeks to provide long-term growth and preservation of capital with lower volatility of returns than emerging market equities by investing in equity and fixed income securities in eligible investment countries.
Capital Group EMTlOpL Zgd GBP 2 Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 1.03 0.88 4.46 3.48 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The fund seeks to provide long-term growth and preservation of capital with lower volatility of returns than emerging market equities by investing in equity and fixed income securities in eligible investment countries.
Capital Group GBdL Zd GBP 1 Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 0.60 0.50 4.91 3.93 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The fund seeks to provide, over the long term, a high level of total return consistent with prudent investment management by investing globally in investment grade bonds of governmental, supranational and corporate issuers as well as other fixed-income securities.
Capital Group GEqL Z GBP 2 Y Y Y Y Y North America SIB Acc 0.00 N/A 0.90 0.75 4.60 3.62 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The fund seeks to achieve long-term growth of capital by investing in companies researched and selected from around the world.
Capital Group GHIOL Z GBP 1 Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest SIB Acc 0.00 N/A 0.86 0.75 4.64 3.66 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The fund seeks to provide, over the long term, a high level of total return, of which a large component is current income by investing primarily in emerging market bonds and corporate high yield bonds from around the world, denominated in USD and various national currencies (including emerging markets currencies). The fund also aims to manage a carbon footprint that is generally at least 30% lower than its corporate indices, and evaluates and applies ESG and norms-based screening to implement a negative screening policy relating to investments in corporate and sovereign issuers.
Capital Group GHIOL Zd GBP 1 Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 0.86 0.75 4.64 3.66 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The fund seeks to provide, over the long term, a high level of total return, of which a large component is current income by investing primarily in emerging market bonds and corporate high yield bonds from around the world, denominated in USD and various national currencies (including emerging markets currencies). The fund also aims to manage a carbon footprint that is generally at least 30% lower than its corporate indices, and evaluates and applies ESG and norms-based screening to implement a negative screening policy relating to investments in corporate and sovereign issuers.
Capital Group GHIOL Zdh 1 Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 0.86 0.75 4.64 3.66 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The fund seeks to provide, over the long term, a high level of total return, of which a large component is current income by investing primarily in emerging market bonds and corporate high yield bonds from around the world, denominated in USD and various national currencies (including emerging markets currencies). The fund also aims to manage a carbon footprint that is generally at least 30% lower than its corporate indices, and evaluates and applies ESG and norms-based screening to implement a negative screening policy relating to investments in corporate and sovereign issuers.
Capital Group GHIOL Zgd GBP 1 Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 0.86 0.75 4.64 3.66 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The fund seeks to provide, over the long term, a high level of total return, of which a large component is current income by investing primarily in emerging market bonds and corporate high yield bonds from around the world, denominated in USD and various national currencies (including emerging markets currencies). The fund also aims to manage a carbon footprint that is generally at least 30% lower than its corporate indices, and evaluates and applies ESG and norms-based screening to implement a negative screening policy relating to investments in corporate and sovereign issuers.
Capital Group GHIOL Zgdh 1 Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 0.86 0.75 4.64 3.66 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The fund seeks to provide, over the long term, a high level of total return, of which a large component is current income by investing primarily in emerging market bonds and corporate high yield bonds from around the world, denominated in USD and various national currencies (including emerging markets currencies). The fund also aims to manage a carbon footprint that is generally at least 30% lower than its corporate indices, and evaluates and applies ESG and norms-based screening to implement a negative screening policy relating to investments in corporate and sovereign issuers.
Capital Group InCmAmL Z 4 Bronze Y Y Y Y Y North America SIB Acc 0.00 N/A 0.80 0.65 4.70 3.72 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The fund seeks to achieve long-term growth of capital and income by investing primarily in common stocks, most of which have a history of paying dividends. In the selection of these companies, potential for capital growth and future dividends are given more weight than current yield.
Capital Group InCmAmL Zd 4 Bronze Y Y Y Y Y North America SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 0.80 0.65 4.70 3.72 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The fund seeks to achieve long-term growth of capital and income by investing primarily in common stocks, most of which have a history of paying dividends. In the selection of these companies, potential for capital growth and future dividends are given more weight than current yield.
Capital Group InCmAmL Zdh 4 Bronze Y Y Y Y Y North America SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 0.80 0.65 4.70 3.72 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The fund seeks to achieve long-term growth of capital and income by investing primarily in common stocks, most of which have a history of paying dividends. In the selection of these companies, potential for capital growth and future dividends are given more weight than current yield.
Capital Group InCmAmL Zgd 4 Bronze Y Y Y Y Y North America SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 0.80 0.65 4.70 3.72 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The fund seeks to achieve long-term growth of capital and income by investing primarily in common stocks, most of which have a history of paying dividends. In the selection of these companies, potential for capital growth and future dividends are given more weight than current yield.
Capital Group InCmAmL Zgdh 4 Bronze Y Y Y Y Y North America SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 0.80 0.65 4.70 3.72 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The fund seeks to achieve long-term growth of capital and income by investing primarily in common stocks, most of which have a history of paying dividends. In the selection of these companies, potential for capital growth and future dividends are given more weight than current yield.
Capital Group JEqL Z GBP 2 Y Y Y Y Y Japan SIB Acc 0.00 N/A 0.90 0.75 4.60 3.62 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The fund seeks to achieve long-term growth of capital by investing normally in companies domiciled and/or having their principal place of business in Japan.
Capital Group JEqL Zh 2 Y Y Y Y Y Japan SIB Acc 0.00 N/A 0.90 0.75 4.60 3.62 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The fund seeks to achieve long-term growth of capital by investing normally in companies domiciled and/or having their principal place of business in Japan.
Capital Group NewWdL Z GBP 3 Gold Y Y Y Y N North America SIB Acc 0.00 N/A 1.03 0.88 4.46 3.48 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The fund seeks to achieve long-term growth of capital by investing in common stocks of companies with significant exposure to countries with developing economies and/or markets. Many of these countries may be referred to as emerging countries or emerging markets. The fund may also invest in debt securities of issuers with exposure to these countries.
Capital Group NewWdL Zd GBP 3 Gold Y Y Y Y N North America SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 1.03 0.88 4.46 3.48 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The fund seeks to achieve long-term growth of capital by investing in common stocks of companies with significant exposure to countries with developing economies and/or markets. Many of these countries may be referred to as emerging countries or emerging markets. The fund may also invest in debt securities of issuers with exposure to these countries.
Capital Group UKGbHgIcOpp P A Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.68 0.60 4.82 3.84 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The fund seeks to provide, over the long term, (i.e., a period of over 5 years), a total return, which is driven primarily by high income generation. A high level of income is defined as equal to, or in excess of, the average yield of the funds in the fund's Investment Association sector, Sterling Strategic Bond, assessed over rolling 3 year periods. The fund also aims to manage a carbon footprint that is generally at least 30% lower than its corporate indices, and evaluates and applies ESG and norms-based screening to implement a negative screening policy relating to investments in corporate and sovereign issuers.
Capital Group UKGbHgIcOpp P I Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.68 0.60 4.82 3.84 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The fund seeks to provide, over the long term, (i.e., a period of over 5 years), a total return, which is driven primarily by high income generation. A high level of income is defined as equal to, or in excess of, the average yield of the funds in the fund's Investment Association sector, Sterling Strategic Bond, assessed over rolling 3 year periods. The fund also aims to manage a carbon footprint that is generally at least 30% lower than its corporate indices, and evaluates and applies ESG and norms-based screening to implement a negative screening policy relating to investments in corporate and sovereign issuers.
Capital Group UKGbHgIcOpp PH A Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.68 0.60 4.82 3.84 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The fund seeks to provide, over the long term, (i.e., a period of over 5 years), a total return, which is driven primarily by high income generation. A high level of income is defined as equal to, or in excess of, the average yield of the funds in the fund's Investment Association sector, Sterling Strategic Bond, assessed over rolling 3 year periods. The fund also aims to manage a carbon footprint that is generally at least 30% lower than its corporate indices, and evaluates and applies ESG and norms-based screening to implement a negative screening policy relating to investments in corporate and sovereign issuers.
Capital Group UKGbHgIcOpp PH I Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.68 0.60 4.82 3.84 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The fund seeks to provide, over the long term, (i.e., a period of over 5 years), a total return, which is driven primarily by high income generation. A high level of income is defined as equal to, or in excess of, the average yield of the funds in the fund's Investment Association sector, Sterling Strategic Bond, assessed over rolling 3 year periods. The fund also aims to manage a carbon footprint that is generally at least 30% lower than its corporate indices, and evaluates and applies ESG and norms-based screening to implement a negative screening policy relating to investments in corporate and sovereign issuers.
Capital Group USCrpBdL Z GBP 1 Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest SIB Acc 0.00 N/A 0.60 0.50 4.91 3.93 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The fund seeks to provide, over the long term, a high level of total return consistent with capital preservation and prudent risk management by primarily investing in USD-denominated corporate investment grade bonds.