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Polar Capital
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Yield after charges:
Investment Name Crown Rating OBSR Rating GIA ISA SIPP BOND RE-REG Sector Type Unit/Share Type Discounted Initial Charge % TER% OCF% AMC% from 7% from 6% Pricing Wealthtime Dealing Point Select
Polar Capital FinCre I Inc 5 Y Y Y Y Y UK Fixed Interest SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 0.85 0.75 4.65 3.67 Single 2:00PM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the Fund is to provide an attractive level of income by investing in the debt securities of global financial sector companies.
Polar Capital GAR IH A 3 Y Y Y Y Y Absolute Return SIB Acc 0.00 N/A 1.12 1.00 4.37 3.39 n/a 2:00PM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the Fund is to achieve a positive absolute return over rolling 12-month periods. Absolute return means that the Fund aims to generate a positive return in both rising and falling markets. There is no guarantee the fund will deliver a positive return over one, or any number of 12- month periods.
Polar Capital Gbl Tech IH GBP 2 Silver Y Y Y Y Y North America SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 1.11 1.00 4.38 3.40 Single 2:00PM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to achieve long-term capital appreciation through investing in a globally-diversified portfolio of technology companies.
Polar Capital GblCnvb I A 2 Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest SIB Acc 0.00 N/A 1.11 1.00 4.38 3.40 Single 2:00PM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the Fund is to achieve both income and long term capital appreciation by investing in a globally diversified portfolio of convertible bonds and equivalents.
Polar Capital GblCnvb I I 2 Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 1.11 1.00 4.38 3.40 Single 2:00PM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the Fund is to achieve both income and long term capital appreciation by investing in a globally diversified portfolio of convertible bonds and equivalents.
Polar Capital GblCnvb IH A 2 Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest SIB Acc 0.00 N/A 1.11 1.00 4.38 3.40 Single 2:00PM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the Fund is to achieve both income and long term capital appreciation by investing in a globally diversified portfolio of convertible bonds and equivalents.
Polar Capital GblCnvb IH I 2 Y Y Y Y Y Specialist SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 1.11 1.00 4.38 3.40 Single 2:00PM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the Fund is to achieve both income and long term capital appreciation by investing in a globally diversified portfolio of convertible bonds and equivalents.
Polar Capital GblInsnrc I A 5 Silver Y Y Y Y Y North America SIB Acc 0.00 N/A 0.83 0.75 4.67 3.69 Single 2:00PM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the Fund is to provide a total return (capital growth and income), by investing worldwide in the shares of insurance-related companies.
Polar Capital GblInsnrc I I 5 Silver Y Y Y Y Y North America SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 0.83 0.75 4.67 3.69 Single 2:00PM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the Fund is to provide a total return (capital growth and income), by investing worldwide in the shares of insurance-related companies.
Polar Capital HcarBluChp I Acc GBP 4 Y Y Y Y Y North America SIB Acc 0.00 N/A 0.97 0.85 4.52 3.55 Single 2:00PM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the Fund is to achieve long term capital appreciation by investing in a globally diversified portfolio of healthcare companies.
Polar Capital HcarBluChp I Inc GBP 4 Y Y Y Y Y North America SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 0.97 0.85 4.52 3.55 Single 2:00PM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the Fund is to achieve long term capital appreciation by investing in a globally diversified portfolio of healthcare companies.
Polar Capital Hcare Opp I GBP 3 Y Y Y Y Y Specialist SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 1.11 1.00 4.37 3.40 Single 2:00PM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the Fund is to preserve capital and achieve long term capital appreciation, by investing worldwide in the shares of healthcare companies.
Polar Capital Healthcare Disc I A 2 Y Y Y Y Y Specialist SIB Acc 0.00 N/A 1.11 1.00 4.38 3.40 n/a 2:00PM Daily
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Objective: The investment objective of the Fund is to achieve long term capital growth.
Polar Capital Jap Val S Inc GBP 5 Y Y Y Y Y Japan SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 0.72 0.60 4.78 3.80 Single 2:00PM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the Fund is to achieve long term capital growth by investing in the shares of Japanese companies, or companies that generate a significant amount of their business in Japan.
Polar Capital Jap Val SH Inc GBP 5 Y Y Y Y Y Japan SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 0.72 0.60 4.78 3.80 Single 2:00PM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the Fund is to achieve long term capital growth by investing in the shares of Japanese companies, or companies that generate a significant amount of their business in Japan.
Polar Capital Nth Amercn I GBP 3 Y Y Y Y Y North America SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 0.73 0.65 4.77 3.79 Single 2:00PM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the Fund is to achieve long term capital appreciation by investing in the shares of North American companies, which are large, medium or small in size (market capitalisation).
Polar Capital Nth Amercn I Hdgd 3 Y Y Y Y Y North America SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 0.73 0.65 4.77 3.79 Single 2:00PM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the Fund is to achieve long term capital appreciation by investing in the shares of North American companies, which are large, medium or small in size (market capitalisation).
Polar Capital Smt Mby I Acc GBP Y Y Y Y Y North America SIB Acc 0.00 N/A 0.98 0.80 4.51 3.54 n/a 2:00PM Daily
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Objective: The investment objective of the Fund is to provide long-term capital growth. In addition, the Fund has as its sustainable investment objective investment in a portfolio of companies worldwide that support, through their technology solutions and services, the decarbonisation and thereby transformation of the global transportation sector.
Polar Capital UKValOpps I A 1 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity SIB Acc 0.00 N/A 0.83 0.75 4.67 3.69 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to achieve long term capital growth by investing in a diversified portfolio of company shares listed in the UK.
Polar Capital UKValOpps I I 1 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 0.83 0.75 4.67 3.69 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to achieve long term capital growth by investing in a diversified portfolio of company shares listed in the UK.
Polar China Stars I GBP 1 Y Y Y Y Y Pacific Ex Japan SIB Acc 0.00 N/A 0.88 0.75 4.62 3.64 n/a 2:00PM Daily
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Objective: The Fund’s investment objective is to achieve long term capital growth.
Premier Miton Investors
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Yield after charges:
Investment Name Crown Rating OBSR Rating GIA ISA SIPP BOND RE-REG Sector Type Unit/Share Type Discounted Initial Charge % TER% OCF% AMC% from 7% from 6% Pricing Wealthtime Dealing Point Select
Premier Miton CautMthInc B A 5 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity UKA Acc 0.00 N/A 0.89 0.75 4.61 3.63 Dual 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the fund is to achieve income and capital growth, over the long term, being five years or more. Five years is also the minimum recommended term for holding shares in this fund. This does not mean that the fund will achieve the objective over this, or any other, specific time period and there is a risk of loss to the original capital invested.
Premier Miton CautMthInc B I 5 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity UKA Inc 0.00 N/A 0.89 0.75 4.61 3.63 Dual 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the fund is to achieve income and capital growth, over the long term, being five years or more. Five years is also the minimum recommended term for holding shares in this fund. This does not mean that the fund will achieve the objective over this, or any other, specific time period and there is a risk of loss to the original capital invested.
Premier Miton CautMulAst B 4 Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.81 0.75 4.69 3.71 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the fund is to achieve capital growth over the long term, being five years or more. The minimum recommended holding term is at least five years. This does not mean that the fund will achieve the objective over this, or any other, specific time period and there is a risk of loss to the original capital invested.
Premier Miton CorpBdMthlyInc C A 4 Y Y Y Y Y UK Fixed Interest OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.35 0.30 5.17 4.19 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The fund aims to provide an income, paid each month. The minimum recommended term for holding shares in this fund is at least 5 years. This does not mean that the fund will achieve the objective over this, or any other, specific time period and there is a risk of loss to the original capital invested.
Premier Miton CorpBdMthlyInc C I 4 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.35 0.30 5.17 4.19 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The fund aims to provide an income, paid each month. The minimum recommended term for holding shares in this fund is at least 5 years. This does not mean that the fund will achieve the objective over this, or any other, specific time period and there is a risk of loss to the original capital invested.
Premier Miton Def Mult Ast B 4 Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.86 0.75 4.64 3.66 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the fund is to achieve capital growth over the long term, being five years or more. The minimum recommended holding term is at least five years. The does not mean that the fund will achieve the objective over this, or any other, specific time period and there is a risk of loss to the original capital invested.
Premier Miton DefGrw C A 2 Y Y Y Y Y Absolute Return OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.88 0.75 4.62 3.64 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the fund is to provide positive returns over rolling three year periods in all market conditions with less than a quarter of the volatility of the FTSE All-World Index, which may result in the returns from the fund being constrained. Three years is also the minimum recommended period for holding shares in this fund. This does not mean that the fund will achieve the objective over this, or any other, specific time period and there is a risk of loss to the original capital invested.
Premier Miton DefGrw C I 2 Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.88 0.75 4.62 3.64 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the fund is to provide positive returns over rolling three year periods in all market conditions with less than a quarter of the volatility of the FTSE All-World Index, which may result in the returns from the fund being constrained. Three years is also the minimum recommended period for holding shares in this fund. This does not mean that the fund will achieve the objective over this, or any other, specific time period and there is a risk of loss to the original capital invested.
Premier Miton DivfdBalGth D A 3 Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.63 0.50 4.88 3.90 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the fund is to provide total returns comprised of capital growth and income over the long-term, being five years or more. Five years is also the minimum recommended period for holding shares in this fund. This does not mean that the fund will achieve the objective over this, or any other, specific time period and there is a risk of loss to the original capital invested.
Premier Miton DivfdBalGth D I 3 Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.63 0.50 4.88 3.90 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the fund is to provide total returns comprised of capital growth and income over the long-term, being five years or more. Five years is also the minimum recommended period for holding shares in this fund. This does not mean that the fund will achieve the objective over this, or any other, specific time period and there is a risk of loss to the original capital invested.
Premier Miton DivfdCautGth D A 4 Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.66 0.50 4.84 3.86 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the fund is to provide total returns comprised of capital growth and income over the long-term, being five years or more. Five years is also the minimum recommended period for holding shares in this fund. This does not mean that the fund will achieve the objective over this, or any other, specific time period and there is a risk of loss to the original capital invested.
Premier Miton DivfdCautGth D I 4 Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.66 0.50 4.84 3.86 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the fund is to provide total returns comprised of capital growth and income over the long-term, being five years or more. Five years is also the minimum recommended period for holding shares in this fund. This does not mean that the fund will achieve the objective over this, or any other, specific time period and there is a risk of loss to the original capital invested.
Premier Miton DivfdDynGth D A 2 Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.65 0.50 4.85 3.87 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the fund is to provide total returns comprised of capital growth and income over the long-term, being five years or more. Five years is also the minimum recommended period for holding shares in this fund. This does not mean that the fund will achieve the objective over this, or any other, specific time period and there is a risk of loss to the original capital invested.
Premier Miton DivfdDynGth D I 2 Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.65 0.50 4.85 3.87 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the fund is to provide total returns comprised of capital growth and income over the long-term, being five years or more. Five years is also the minimum recommended period for holding shares in this fund. This does not mean that the fund will achieve the objective over this, or any other, specific time period and there is a risk of loss to the original capital invested.
Premier Miton DivGwth D A 3 Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.56 0.50 4.95 3.97 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the fund is to provide capital growth over the long-term, being five years or more. Five years is also the minimum recommended period for holding shares in this fund. This does not mean that the fund will achieve the objective over this, or any other, specific time period and there is a risk of loss to the original capital invested.
Premier Miton DivGwth D I 3 Y Y Y Y Y Specialist OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.56 0.50 4.95 3.97 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the fund is to provide capital growth over the long-term, being five years or more. Five years is also the minimum recommended period for holding shares in this fund. This does not mean that the fund will achieve the objective over this, or any other, specific time period and there is a risk of loss to the original capital invested.
Premier Miton DivInc D A 3 Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.64 0.50 4.87 3.89 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the fund is to provide income together with the potential for capital growth over the long-term, being five years or more. Five years is also the minimum recommended period for holding shares in this fund. This does not mean that the fund will achieve the objective over this, or any other, specific time period and there is a risk of loss to the original capital invested. Income will be paid four times a year as dividend distributions.
Premier Miton DivInc D I 3 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.64 0.50 4.87 3.89 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the fund is to provide income together with the potential for capital growth over the long-term, being five years or more. Five years is also the minimum recommended period for holding shares in this fund. This does not mean that the fund will achieve the objective over this, or any other, specific time period and there is a risk of loss to the original capital invested. Income will be paid four times a year as dividend distributions.
Premier Miton DvfdSusGrth D A 2 Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.72 0.50 4.78 3.80 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the fund is to achieve capital growth over the long term, being five years or more. The minimum recommended holding term is at least five years. This does not mean that the fund will achieve the objective over this, or any other, specific time period and there is a risk of loss to the original capital invested.
Premier Miton EmgMrktSus C A Y Y Y Y Y Global Emerging Markets OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 1.00 0.80 4.49 3.51 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the Fund is to achieve capital growth over the long term, being five years or more. The minimum recommended holding term is at least five years. This does not mean that the fund will achieve the objective over this, or any other, specific time period and there is a risk of loss to the original capital invested.
Premier Miton EmgMrktSus C I Y Y Y Y Y Global Emerging Markets OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 1.00 0.80 4.49 3.51 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the Fund is to achieve capital growth over the long term, being five years or more. The minimum recommended holding term is at least five years. This does not mean that the fund will achieve the objective over this, or any other, specific time period and there is a risk of loss to the original capital invested.
Premier Miton EuOpp B A 1 Y Y Y Y Y Europe Ex UK OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.82 0.75 4.68 3.70 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the Fund is to provide total returns, comprised of income and capital growth, over the long-term, being five years or more. Five years is also the minimum recommended period for holding shares in this Fund. This does not mean that the Fund will achieve the objective over this, or any other, specific time period and there is a risk of loss to the original capital invested.
Premier Miton EuOpp B I 1 Y Y Y Y Y Europe Ex UK OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.82 0.75 4.68 3.70 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the Fund is to provide total returns, comprised of income and capital growth, over the long-term, being five years or more. Five years is also the minimum recommended period for holding shares in this Fund. This does not mean that the Fund will achieve the objective over this, or any other, specific time period and there is a risk of loss to the original capital invested.
Premier Miton Gbl Smller Comp C A 3 Y Y Y Y Y North America OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.95 0.75 4.54 3.57 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the Fund is to provide capital growth over the long term, being five years or more. Five years is also the minimum recommended term for holding shares in this Fund. This does not mean that the Fund will achieve the objective over this, or any other, specific time period and there is a risk of loss to the original capital invested.
Premier Miton Gbl Sust Gth C A 1 Y Y Y Y Y North America OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 1.04 0.75 4.45 3.47 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the Fund is to provide capital growth over the long-term, being five years or more. Five years is also the minimum recommended period for holding shares in this Fund. This does not mean that the Fund will achieve the objective over this, or any other, specific time period and there is a risk of loss to the original capital invested.
Premier Miton Gbl Sust Opt Inc C I 1 Y Y Y Y Y North America OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.90 0.75 4.60 3.62 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the Fund is to provide a yield of 6% per annum together with the prospect of capital growth over the long term, being five years or more. Five years is also the minimum recommended period for holding shares in this Fund. This does not mean that the Fund will achieve the objective over this, or any other, specific time period and there is a risk of loss to the original capital invested. The Fund’s target yield of 6% per annum is not guaranteed and may change if the assumptions on which the target is calculated change. Income will be paid four times a year as dividend distributions.
Premier Miton GblInfrstInc B A 1 Y Y Y Y Y North America OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 1.00 0.75 4.49 3.51 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the fund is to provide an income together with capital growth over the long-term, being five years or more. Five years is also the minimum recommended period for holding shares in this fund. This does not mean that the fund will achieve the objective over this, or any other, specific time period and there is a risk of loss to the original capital invested.
Premier Miton GblInfrstInc B I 1 Y Y Y Y Y North America OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 1.00 0.75 4.49 3.51 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the fund is to provide an income together with capital growth over the long-term, being five years or more. Five years is also the minimum recommended period for holding shares in this fund. This does not mean that the fund will achieve the objective over this, or any other, specific time period and there is a risk of loss to the original capital invested.
Premier Miton Liberation IV C A 4 Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.89 0.60 4.61 3.63 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the Fund is to provide an income together with capital growth over the long-term, being five years or more, whilst seeking to remain within a defined risk profile with defined volatility parameters which may result in the income and the capital growth from the Fund being constrained. The Investment Adviser will aim to maintain a risk profile classification of 4 as set and monitored by an external third party risk rating company. Five years is also the minimum recommended period for holding shares in this Fund. This does not mean that the Fund will achieve the objective throughout this, or any other, specific time period and there is a risk of loss to the original capital invested. Income will be paid four times a year as dividend distributions.
Premier Miton Liberation IV C I 4 Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.89 0.60 4.61 3.63 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the Fund is to provide an income together with capital growth over the long-term, being five years or more, whilst seeking to remain within a defined risk profile with defined volatility parameters which may result in the income and the capital growth from the Fund being constrained. The Investment Adviser will aim to maintain a risk profile classification of 4 as set and monitored by an external third party risk rating company. Five years is also the minimum recommended period for holding shares in this Fund. This does not mean that the Fund will achieve the objective throughout this, or any other, specific time period and there is a risk of loss to the original capital invested. Income will be paid four times a year as dividend distributions.
Premier Miton Liberation V C A 5 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.89 0.60 4.61 3.63 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the Fund is to provide an income together with capital growth over the long-term, being five years or more, whilst seeking to remain within a defined risk profile with defined volatility parameters which may result in the income and the capital growth from the Fund being constrained. The Investment Adviser will aim to maintain a risk profile classification of 5 as set and monitored by an external third party risk rating company. Five years is also the minimum recommended period for holding shares in this Fund. This does not mean that the Fund will achieve the objective throughout this, or any other, specific time period and there is a risk of loss to the original capital invested.
Premier Miton Liberation V C I 5 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.89 0.60 4.61 3.63 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the Fund is to provide an income together with capital growth over the long-term, being five years or more, whilst seeking to remain within a defined risk profile with defined volatility parameters which may result in the income and the capital growth from the Fund being constrained. The Investment Adviser will aim to maintain a risk profile classification of 5 as set and monitored by an external third party risk rating company. Five years is also the minimum recommended period for holding shares in this Fund. This does not mean that the Fund will achieve the objective throughout this, or any other, specific time period and there is a risk of loss to the original capital invested.
Premier Miton Liberation VI C A 3 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.89 0.60 4.61 3.63 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the Fund is to provide capital growth over the long-term, being five years or more, whilst seeking to remain within a defined risk profile with defined volatility parameters which may result in the income and the capital growth from the Fund being constrained. The Investment Adviser will aim to maintain a risk profile classification of 6 as set and monitored by an external third party risk rating company. Five years is also the minimum recommended period for holding shares in this Fund. This does not mean that the Fund will achieve the objective throughout this, or any other, specific time period and there is a risk of loss to the original capital invested.
Premier Miton Liberation VII C A 2 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.89 0.60 4.61 3.63 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the Fund is to provide capital growth over the long-term, being five years or more, whilst seeking to remain within a defined risk profile with defined volatility parameters which may result in the income and the capital growth from the Fund being constrained. The Investment Adviser will aim to maintain a risk profile classification of 7 as set and monitored by an external third party risk rating company. Five years is also the minimum recommended period for holding shares in this Fund. This does not mean that the Fund will achieve the objective throughout this, or any other, specific time period and there is a risk of loss to the original capital invested.
Premier Miton MltAstAbslRet C A 2 Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.87 0.60 4.63 3.65 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the fund is to provide positive returns, in all market conditions and in excess of returns from the Bank of England Base rate, net of fees, over rolling three year periods. Three years is also the minimum recommended period for holding shares in this fund. This does not mean that the fund will achieve the objective over this, or any other, specific time period and there is a risk of loss to the original capital invested
Premier Miton MltAstAbslRet C I 2 Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.87 0.60 4.63 3.65 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the fund is to provide positive returns, in all market conditions and in excess of returns from the Bank of England Base rate, net of fees, over rolling three year periods. Three years is also the minimum recommended period for holding shares in this fund. This does not mean that the fund will achieve the objective over this, or any other, specific time period and there is a risk of loss to the original capital invested
Premier Miton MltAstDist C A 2 Neutral Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 1.10 0.75 4.39 3.41 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the fund is to provide income together with capital growth over the long-term, being five years or more. Five years is also the minimum recommended period for holding shares in this fund. This does not mean that the fund will achieve the objective over this, or any other, specific time period and there is a risk of loss to the original capital invested.
Premier Miton MltAstDist C I 2 Neutral Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 1.10 0.75 4.39 3.41 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the fund is to provide income together with capital growth over the long-term, being five years or more. Five years is also the minimum recommended period for holding shares in this fund. This does not mean that the fund will achieve the objective over this, or any other, specific time period and there is a risk of loss to the original capital invested.
Premier Miton MltAstGlblGth C A 1 Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 1.28 0.75 4.20 3.23 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the fund is to provide capital growth over the long-term, being five years or more. Five years is also the minimum recommended period for holding shares in this fund. This does not mean that the fund will achieve the objective over this, or any other, specific time period and there is a risk of loss to the original capital invested.
Premier Miton MltAstGlblGth C I 1 Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 1.28 0.75 4.20 3.23 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the fund is to provide capital growth over the long-term, being five years or more. Five years is also the minimum recommended period for holding shares in this fund. This does not mean that the fund will achieve the objective over this, or any other, specific time period and there is a risk of loss to the original capital invested.
Premier Miton MltAstGth&Inc C A 3 Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.84 0.75 4.66 3.68 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The aim of the fund is to grow the value of an original investment over the long term and provide investors with an income.
Premier Miton MltAstGth&Inc C I 3 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.84 0.75 4.66 3.68 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The aim of the fund is to grow the value of an original investment over the long term and provide investors with an income.
Premier Miton MltAstMntyInc C A 3 Neutral Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 1.12 0.75 4.37 3.39 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The investment objective of the Fund is to provide a high level of income from a portfolio of investments.
Premier Miton MltAstMntyInc C I 3 Neutral Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 1.12 0.75 4.37 3.39 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The investment objective of the Fund is to provide a high level of income from a portfolio of investments.
Premier Miton Monthly Income C A 3 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.91 0.75 4.58 3.61 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the fund is to provide an income together with capital growth over the long term, being five years or more. Five years is also the minimum recommended term for holding shares in this fund. This does not mean that the fund will achieve the objective over this, or any other, specific time period and there is a risk of loss to the original capital invested. The income will be paid monthly, by dividend distributions.
Premier Miton Monthly Income C I 3 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.91 0.75 4.58 3.61 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the fund is to provide an income together with capital growth over the long term, being five years or more. Five years is also the minimum recommended term for holding shares in this fund. This does not mean that the fund will achieve the objective over this, or any other, specific time period and there is a risk of loss to the original capital invested. The income will be paid monthly, by dividend distributions.
Premier Miton Optimum Income C I 3 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.96 0.75 4.53 3.56 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the fund is to provide a yield of 7% per annum together with the prospect of capital growth over the long term, being five years or more. Five years is also the minimum recommended period for holding shares in this fund. This does not mean that the fund will achieve the objective over this, or any other, specific time period and there is a risk of loss to the original capital invested. The fund’s target yield is not guaranteed and may change if the assumptions on which the target is calculated change.
Premier Miton PanEurpnPrpShr C A 5 Y Y Y Y Y Property OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 1.03 0.75 4.46 3.48 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the fund is to provide total returns comprised of capital growth and income over the long-term, being five years or more. Five years is also the minimum recommended period for holding shares in this fund. This does not mean that the fund will achieve the objective over this, or any other, specific time period and there is a risk of loss to the original capital invested.
Premier Miton PanEurpnPrpShr C I 5 Y Y Y Y Y Property OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 1.03 0.75 4.46 3.48 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the fund is to provide total returns comprised of capital growth and income over the long-term, being five years or more. Five years is also the minimum recommended period for holding shares in this fund. This does not mean that the fund will achieve the objective over this, or any other, specific time period and there is a risk of loss to the original capital invested.
Premier Miton RspsblUKEqty C A 1 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.96 0.75 4.53 3.56 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the Fund is to provide capital growth over the long-term, being five years or more. Five years is also the minimum recommended period for holding shares in this Fund. This does not mean that the Fund will achieve the objective over this, or any other, specific time period and there is a risk of loss to the original capital invested.
Premier Miton RspsblUKEqty C I 1 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.96 0.75 4.53 3.56 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the Fund is to provide capital growth over the long-term, being five years or more. Five years is also the minimum recommended period for holding shares in this Fund. This does not mean that the Fund will achieve the objective over this, or any other, specific time period and there is a risk of loss to the original capital invested.
Premier Miton StgMthIncBd C A 5 Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.45 0.40 5.06 4.08 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the fund is to provide income together with capital growth over the long-term, being five years or more. Five years is also the minimum recommended period for holding shares in this fund. This does not mean that the fund will achieve the objective over this, or any other, specific time period and there is a risk of loss to the original capital invested. The income will be paid through interest distributions on a monthly basis.
Premier Miton StgMthIncBd C I 5 Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.45 0.40 5.06 4.08 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the fund is to provide income together with capital growth over the long-term, being five years or more. Five years is also the minimum recommended period for holding shares in this fund. This does not mean that the fund will achieve the objective over this, or any other, specific time period and there is a risk of loss to the original capital invested. The income will be paid through interest distributions on a monthly basis.
Premier Miton UK Growth C I 1 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.98 0.75 4.51 3.54 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the Fund is to provide capital growth over the long-term, being five years or more. Five years is also the minimum recommended period for holding shares in this Fund. This does not mean that the Fund will achieve the objective over this, or any other, specific time period and there is a risk of loss to the original capital invested.
Premier Miton UK Money Market B A 5 Y Y Y Y Y Cash UKA Acc 0.00 N/A 0.26 0.20 5.26 4.28 Dual 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the Fund is to generate an income. The recommended holding period for the Fund is up to one year. This does not mean that the Fund will achieve the objective throughout this, or any other, specific time period and there is a risk of loss to the original capital invested. The income will be paid four times a year as interest payments.
Premier Miton UK Money Market B I 5 Y Y Y Y Y Cash UKA Inc 0.00 N/A 0.26 0.20 5.26 4.28 Dual 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the Fund is to generate an income. The recommended holding period for the Fund is up to one year. This does not mean that the Fund will achieve the objective throughout this, or any other, specific time period and there is a risk of loss to the original capital invested. The income will be paid four times a year as interest payments.
Premier Miton UkFs I I 1 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 1.11 0.75 4.38 3.40 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The investment objective of the Fund is to maximise returns for investors, predominantly through capital growth. s The Investment Manager aims to invest the Fund in the equity of between 30 and 65 publicly listed companies, primarily selected from its benchmark, the FTSE AllShare Total Return Index.
Premier Miton UKMltCpInc B A 1 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.83 0.75 4.67 3.69 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the fund is to provide an income with capital growth over the long-term, being five years or more. Five years is also the minimum recommended period for holding shares in this fund. This does not mean that the fund will achieve the objective over this, or any other, specific time period and there is a risk of loss to the original capital invested. The income will be paid four times a year by dividend distributions.
Premier Miton UKMltCpInc B I 1 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.83 0.75 4.67 3.69 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the fund is to provide an income with capital growth over the long-term, being five years or more. Five years is also the minimum recommended period for holding shares in this fund. This does not mean that the fund will achieve the objective over this, or any other, specific time period and there is a risk of loss to the original capital invested. The income will be paid four times a year by dividend distributions.
Premier Miton UKSmlrComp B A 1 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.91 0.75 4.58 3.61 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the Fund is to provide capital growth over the long-term, being five years or more. Five years is also the minimum recommended period for holding shares in this Fund. This does not mean that the Fund will achieve the objective over this, or any other, specific time period and there is a risk of loss to the original capital invested.
Premier Miton UKSmlrComp B I 1 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.91 0.75 4.58 3.61 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the Fund is to provide capital growth over the long-term, being five years or more. Five years is also the minimum recommended period for holding shares in this Fund. This does not mean that the Fund will achieve the objective over this, or any other, specific time period and there is a risk of loss to the original capital invested.
Premier Miton UKValOpps B A 3 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.83 0.75 4.67 3.69 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the Fund is to provide capital growth over the long-term, being five years or more. Five years is also the minimum recommended period for holding shares in this Fund. This does not mean that the Fund will achieve the objective over this, or any other, specific time period and there is a risk of loss to the original capital invested.
Premier Miton UKValOpps B I 3 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.83 0.75 4.67 3.69 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the Fund is to provide capital growth over the long-term, being five years or more. Five years is also the minimum recommended period for holding shares in this Fund. This does not mean that the Fund will achieve the objective over this, or any other, specific time period and there is a risk of loss to the original capital invested.
Premier Miton USOpps B A 1 Y Y Y Y Y North America OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.83 0.75 4.67 3.69 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the Fund is to provide capital growth over the long-term, being five years or more. Five years is also the minimum recommended period for holding shares in this Fund. This does not mean that the Fund will achieve the objective over this, or any other, specific time period and there is a risk of loss to the original capital invested.
Premier Miton USSmlrComp B A 1 Y Y Y Y Y North America OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.98 0.75 4.51 3.54 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the Fund is to provide capital growth over the long-term, being five years or more. Five years is also the minimum recommended period for holding shares in this Fund. This does not mean that the Fund will achieve the objective over this, or any other, specific time period and there is a risk of loss to the original capital invested.
Prusik Investment Mgt LLP
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Yield after charges:
Investment Name Crown Rating OBSR Rating GIA ISA SIPP BOND RE-REG Sector Type Unit/Share Type Discounted Initial Charge % TER% OCF% AMC% from 7% from 6% Pricing Wealthtime Dealing Point Select
Prusik Asian Eq Inc U Uhgd GBP 5 Y Y Y Y Y Pacific Ex Japan SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 1.12 1.00 4.37 3.39 Single 9:00AM Daily
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Objective: To select a portfolio of equity investments in the Asia Pacific ex-Japan region with above average dividend yields and which have the ability to grow their dividends over time. The fund aims to outperform the MSCI AC Asia Pacific Ex Japan Gross Return Index (USD) by 5-10% annually whilst growing its dividend over time.
Pyrford International
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Yield after charges:
Investment Name Crown Rating OBSR Rating GIA ISA SIPP BOND RE-REG Sector Type Unit/Share Type Discounted Initial Charge % TER% OCF% AMC% from 7% from 6% Pricing Wealthtime Dealing Point Select
Pyrford GblTotRtStrlg B Acc GBP 4 Neutral Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest SIB Acc 0.00 N/A 0.84 0.75 4.66 3.68 Single 9:00AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund seeks to provide a stable stream of real total returns over the long term with low absolute volatility and significant downside protection
Pyrford GblTotRtStrlg B Inc GBP 4 Neutral Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 0.84 0.75 4.66 3.68 n/a 9:00AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund seeks to provide a stable stream of real total returns over the long term with low absolute volatility and significant downside protection
Pzena Investment Management LL
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Yield after charges:
Investment Name Crown Rating OBSR Rating GIA ISA SIPP BOND RE-REG Sector Type Unit/Share Type Discounted Initial Charge % TER% OCF% AMC% from 7% from 6% Pricing Wealthtime Dealing Point Select
Pzena Gbl Val A A 3 Y Y Y Y Y North America SIB Acc 0.00 N/A 0.70 0.55 4.80 3.82 n/a 2:00PM Daily
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Objective: The investment objective of the Fund is to achieve long-term growth of capital by investing in a portfolio of both US and non US Equities.
Pzena Gbl Val A D 3 Y Y Y Y Y North America SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 0.70 0.55 4.80 3.82 n/a 2:00PM Daily
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Objective: The investment objective of the Fund is to achieve long-term growth of capital by investing in a portfolio of both US and non US Equities.
Quilter Investors Limited
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Yield after charges:
Investment Name Crown Rating OBSR Rating GIA ISA SIPP BOND RE-REG Sector Type Unit/Share Type Discounted Initial Charge % TER% OCF% AMC% from 7% from 6% Pricing Wealthtime Dealing Point Select
Quilter Cirlm Bal Blend Pfl U1 A 4 Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.73 N/A 4.77 3.79 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To achieve capital growth over a period of five years or more through investment markets both in the UK and overseas. The portfolio will be broadly diversified across asset classes, with exposure to equities between 20-60% and with volatility of between 6 and 10%. The volatility range is a target, based on long term actuarial assumptions and the fund is managed to stay within this range most of the time. The volatility range is regularly reviewed and may change from time to time due to changes in these assumptions.
Quilter Cirlm Dyn Blend Pfl U1 A 4 Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.74 N/A 4.76 3.78 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To achieve capital growth over a period of five years or more through investment markets both in the UK and overseas. The portfolio will be broadly diversified across asset classes, with exposure to equities between 50-90% and with volatility of between 12 and 16%. The volatility range is a target, based on long term actuarial assumptions and the fund is managed to stay within this range most of the time. The volatility range is regularly reviewed and may change from time to time due to changes in these assumptions.
Quilter Cirlm Mod Blend Pfl U1 A 5 Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.72 N/A 4.78 3.80 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To achieve capital growth over a period of five years or more through investment markets both in the UK and overseas. The portfolio will be broadly diversified across asset classes, with exposure to equities between 40-85% and with volatility of between 9 and 13%. The volatility range is a target, based on long term actuarial assumptions and the fund is managed to stay within this range most of the time. The volatility range is regularly reviewed and may change from time to time due to changes in these assumptions.
Quilter Eth Eq R A 3 Y Y Y Y Y North America UKA Acc 0.00 N/A 0.92 N/A 4.57 3.60 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to achieve income and capital growth by investing in companies that have demonstrated sound ethical practice. The Fund aims to outperform the MSCI World Index, net of charges, over rolling five-year periods.
Quilter Gbl Dyn Eq R A 3 Y Y Y Y Y North America OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.65 0.50 4.85 3.87 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To provide total return from capital growth and income and outperform the MSCI All Countries World Index, net of charges, over rolling five year periods.
Quilter Gbl Uncnstnd Eq R A 4 Y Y Y Y Y North America OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.90 N/A 4.60 3.62 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To provide total return from capital growth and income and outperform the MSCI All Countries World Index, net of charges, over rolling five year periods.
Quilter Investors Crlm Ad Pf R A 1 Y Y Y N Y UK Equity OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 1.20 N/A 4.28 3.31 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To achieve capital growth over a period of five years or more. The Fund is broadly diversified with exposure to company shares (i.e. equities) between 55-100% and with volatility of between 15 and 19%. The volatility range is a target, based on long term actuarial assumptions and the Fund is managed to stay within this range most of the time. The volatility range is regularly reviewed and may change from time to time due to changes in these assumptions.
Quilter Investors Crlm Bl Pf R A 1 Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 1.14 N/A 4.35 3.37 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To achieve capital growth over a period of five years or more. The Fund is broadly diversified with exposure to company shares (i.e. equities) between 20-60% and with volatility of between 6 and 10%. The volatility range is a target, based on long term actuarial assumptions and the Fund is managed to stay within this range most of the time. The volatility range is regularly reviewed and may change from time to time due to changes in these assumptions.
Quilter Investors Crlm Cns Pf R A 1 Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 1.00 N/A 4.49 3.51 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To achieve capital growth over a period of five years or more. The Fund is broadly diversified with exposure to company shares (i.e. equities) between 0-30% and with volatility of between 3 and 7%.The volatility range is a target, based on long term actuarial assumptions and the Fund is managed to stay within this range most of the time. The volatility range is regularly reviewed and may change from time to time due to changes in these assumptions.