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Yield after charges:
Investment Name Crown Rating OBSR Rating GIA ISA SIPP BOND RE-REG Sector Type Unit/Share Type Discounted Initial Charge % TER% OCF% AMC% from 7% from 6% Pricing Wealthtime Dealing Point Select
Liontrust MA Blended Growth S Acc 3 Y Y Y Y Y North America OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.84 0.40 4.66 3.68 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund seeks to achieve capital growth and income with a moderately high level of volatility (risk), having a risk profile of 6, in a range from 1 to 7 where 1 is the lowest risk and 7 the highest.
Liontrust MA Blended Interm S Acc 2 Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.79 0.40 4.71 3.73 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund seeks to achieve capital growth and income with a median level of volatility (risk), having a risk profile of 4, in a range from 1 to 7 where 1 is the lowest risk and 7 is the highest.
Liontrust MA Blended Interm S Inc 2 Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.79 0.40 4.71 3.73 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund seeks to achieve capital growth and income with a median level of volatility (risk), having a risk profile of 4, in a range from 1 to 7 where 1 is the lowest risk and 7 is the highest.
Liontrust MA Blended Moderate S Acc 1 Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.75 0.40 4.75 3.77 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund seeks to achieve capital growth and income with a below median level of volatility (risk), having a risk profile of 3, in a range from 1 to 7 where 1 is the lowest risk and 7 the highest.
Liontrust MA Blended Moderate S Inc 1 Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.75 0.40 4.75 3.77 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund seeks to achieve capital growth and income with a below median level of volatility (risk), having a risk profile of 3, in a range from 1 to 7 where 1 is the lowest risk and 7 the highest.
Liontrust MA Blended Prog S Acc 3 Y Y Y Y Y North America OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.80 0.40 4.70 3.72 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund seeks to achieve capital growth and income with an above median level of volatility (risk), having a risk profile of 5, in a range from 1 to 7 where 1 is the lowest risk and 7 the highest.
Liontrust MA DyPsAd S Acc 3 Y Y Y Y Y Global Emerging Markets OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.40 0.25 5.12 4.13 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund seeks to achieve capital growth and income with a high level of volatility (risk), having a risk profile of 7, in a range from 1 to 7 where 1 is the lowest risk and 7 the highest.
Liontrust MA DyPsGr S Acc 4 Y Y Y Y Y North America OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.41 0.25 5.11 4.12 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund seeks to achieve capital growth and income with a moderately high level of volatility (risk), having a risk profile of 6, in a range from 1 to 7 where 1 is the lowest risk and 7 the highest.
Liontrust MA DyPsInt S Acc 4 Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.41 0.25 5.11 4.12 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund seeks to achieve capital growth and income with a median level of volatility (risk), having a risk profile of 4, in a range from 1 to 7 where 1 is the lowest risk and 7 the highest.
Liontrust MA DyPsMod S Acc 2 Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.43 0.25 5.08 4.10 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund seeks to achieve capital growth and income with a below median level of volatility (risk), having a risk profile of 3, in a range from 1 to 7, where 1 is the lowest risk and 7 the highest.
Liontrust MA DyPsMod S Inc 2 Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.43 0.25 5.08 4.10 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund seeks to achieve capital growth and income with a below median level of volatility (risk), having a risk profile of 3, in a range from 1 to 7, where 1 is the lowest risk and 7 the highest.
Liontrust MA DyPsPro S Acc 4 Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.41 0.25 5.11 4.12 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund seeks to achieve capital growth and income with an above median level of volatility (risk), having a risk profile of 5, in a range from 1 to 7 where 1 is the lowest risk and 7 the highest.
Liontrust MA DyPsPru S Acc 4 Y Y Y Y Y UK Fixed Interest OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.44 0.25 5.07 4.09 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund seeks to achieve capital growth and income with a low level of volatility (risk), having a risk profile of 2, in a range from 1 to 7 where 1 is the lowest risk and 7 the highest.
Liontrust MA DyPsRes S Acc 1 Y Y Y Y Y UK Fixed Interest OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.44 0.25 5.07 4.09 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund seeks to achieve capital growth and income with a low level of volatility (risk), having a risk profile of 2, in a range from 1 to 7 where 1 is the lowest risk and 7 the highest.
Liontrust MA Ex100 S Acc 3 Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 1.23 0.55 4.25 3.28 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to generate capital growth and income over the long term (5 years or more)
Liontrust MA Ex35 S Acc 1 Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 1.00 0.55 4.49 3.51 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to generate income with the potential for capital growth over the long term (5 years or more)
Liontrust MA Ex35 S Inc 1 Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 1.00 0.55 4.49 3.51 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to generate income with the potential for capital growth over the long term (5 years or more)
Liontrust MA Ex70 S Acc 1 Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 1.12 0.55 4.37 3.39 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to generate income with the potential for capital growth over the long term (5 years or more)
Liontrust MA Ex70 S Inc 1 Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 1.12 0.55 4.37 3.39 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to generate income with the potential for capital growth over the long term (5 years or more)
Liontrust MA Ex85 S Acc 2 Y Y Y Y Y North America OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 1.17 0.55 4.32 3.34 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to generate capital growth and income over the long term (5 years or more)
Liontrust MA Ex85 S Inc 2 Y Y Y Y Y North America OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 1.17 0.55 4.32 3.34 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to generate capital growth and income over the long term (5 years or more)
Liontrust MA ExInc45 S Acc 1 Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 1.03 0.55 4.46 3.48 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to generate income with the potential for capital growth over the long term (5 years or more)
Liontrust MA ExInc45 S Inc 1 Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 1.03 0.55 4.46 3.48 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to generate income with the potential for capital growth over the long term (5 years or more)
Liontrust MA ExInc60 S Acc 1 Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 1.09 0.55 4.40 3.42 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to generate income with the potential for capital growth over the long term (5 years or more)
Liontrust MA ExInc60 S Inc 1 Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 1.09 0.55 4.40 3.42 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to generate income with the potential for capital growth over the long term (5 years or more)
Liontrust MA Mthly Hi Inc S Inc 3 Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.87 0.40 4.63 3.65 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund seeks to generate a monthly income.
Liontrust MA UK Equity A Inc 2 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 1.19 0.60 4.30 3.32 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund seeks to achieve capital growth.
Liontrust MA UK Equity S Acc 2 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.99 0.40 4.50 3.53 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund seeks to achieve capital growth.
Liontrust SF Caut Mngd 2 Inc 1 Silver Y Y Y Y Y North America OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.89 0.75 4.61 3.63 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to deliver income and capital growth over the long term (5 years or more) through investment in sustainable securities.
Liontrust SF Corp Bd 2 Inc 1 Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.56 0.50 4.95 3.97 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to deliver income and capital growth over the long term (5 years or more) through investment in sustainable securities.
Liontrust SF Corp Bd 6 Acc 1 Y Y Y Y Y UK Fixed Interest OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.56 0.50 4.95 3.97 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to deliver income and capital growth over the long term (5 years or more) through investment in sustainable securities.
Liontrust SF Dfnsv Mngd 2 Inc 1 Bronze Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.89 0.75 4.61 3.63 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to deliver income and capital growth over the long term (5 years or more) through investment in sustainable securities.
Liontrust SF Eurpn Gth 2 Acc 1 Silver Y Y Y Y Y Europe Ex UK OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.87 0.75 4.63 3.65 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to deliver capital growth over the long term (5 years or more) through investment in sustainable securities.
Liontrust SF Eurpn Gth 6 Inc 1 Silver Y Y Y Y Y Europe Ex UK OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.87 0.75 4.63 3.65 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to deliver capital growth over the long term (5 years or more) through investment in sustainable securities.
Liontrust SF Gbl Gth 2 Acc 1 Y Y Y Y Y North America OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.85 0.75 4.65 3.67 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to deliver capital growth over the long term (5 years or more) through investment in sustainable securities.
Liontrust SF Managed 2 Inc 1 Silver Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.85 0.75 4.65 3.67 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to deliver income and capital growth over the long term (5 years or more) through investment in sustainable securities.
Liontrust SF Managed 6 Acc 1 Silver Y Y Y Y Y North America OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.85 0.75 4.65 3.67 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to deliver income and capital growth over the long term (5 years or more) through investment in sustainable securities.
Liontrust SF Mgd Gth 2 Acc 1 Bronze Y Y Y Y Y North America OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.86 0.75 4.64 3.66 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to deliver capital growth over the long term (5 years or more) through investment in sustainable securities.
Liontrust SF UK Growth 2 Acc 1 Silver Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.86 0.75 4.64 3.66 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to deliver capital growth over the long term (5 years or more) through investment in sustainable securities.
Liontrust SF UK Growth 6 Inc 1 Silver Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.86 0.75 4.64 3.66 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to deliver capital growth over the long term (5 years or more) through investment in sustainable securities.
Liontrust Spl Sits I Acc 1 Bronze Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity UKA Acc 0.00 N/A 0.81 0.75 4.69 3.71 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to deliver capital growth over the long term (5 years or more).
Liontrust Spl Sits I Inc 1 Bronze Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity UKA Inc 0.00 N/A 0.81 0.75 4.69 3.71 Dual 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to deliver capital growth over the long term (5 years or more).
Liontrust SusFutMonIncBd B Gr Acc 1 Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.56 0.50 4.95 3.97 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to produce monthly income payments together with capital growth through investment in sustainable securities.
Liontrust SusFutMonIncBd B Gr Inc 1 Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.56 0.50 4.95 3.97 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to produce monthly income payments together with capital growth through investment in sustainable securities.
Liontrust SusFutMonIncBd PG Gr Acc 1 Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.26 0.20 5.26 4.28 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to produce monthly income payments together with capital growth through investment in sustainable securities.
Liontrust SusFutMonIncBd PG Gr Inc 1 Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.26 0.20 5.26 4.28 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to produce monthly income payments together with capital growth through investment in sustainable securities.
Liontrust UK Equity X A 5 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.65 0.65 4.85 3.87 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To deliver a total return (the combination of income and capital growth) that at the end of any five year period is in excess of achieving a total return of the FTSE All-Share Total Return Index , after all costs and charges have been deducted. There is no guarantee that the objective will be achieved over any time period and capital is at risk.
Liontrust UK Equity X I 5 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.65 0.65 4.85 3.87 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To deliver a total return (the combination of income and capital growth) that at the end of any five year period is in excess of achieving a total return of the FTSE All-Share Total Return Index , after all costs and charges have been deducted. There is no guarantee that the objective will be achieved over any time period and capital is at risk.
Liontrust UK Ethical 2 Acc 1 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.82 0.70 4.68 3.70 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to deliver income and capital growth over the long term (5 years or more) through investment in sustainable securities.
Liontrust UK Focus X A 1 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.85 0.85 4.65 3.67 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To deliver a total return (the combination of income and capital growth) that at the end of any five year period is in excess of achieving a total return of the FTSE All-Share Total Return Index , after all costs and charges have been deducted. There is no guarantee that the objective will be achieved over any time period and capital is at risk.
Liontrust UK Focus X I 1 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.85 0.85 4.65 3.67 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To deliver a total return (the combination of income and capital growth) that at the end of any five year period is in excess of achieving a total return of the FTSE All-Share Total Return Index , after all costs and charges have been deducted. There is no guarantee that the objective will be achieved over any time period and capital is at risk.
Liontrust UK Growth I Inc 3 Bronze Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity UKA Inc 0.00 N/A 0.82 0.75 4.68 3.70 Dual 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to deliver capital growth over the long term (5 years or more).
Liontrust UK Micro Cap I Acc 5 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity UKA Acc 0.00 N/A 1.34 1.25 4.14 3.17 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to deliver capital growth over the long term (5 years or more).
Liontrust UK Sm Cos I Acc 3 Bronze Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity UKA Acc 0.00 N/A 1.32 1.25 4.16 3.19 Dual 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to deliver capital growth over the long term (5 years or more).
Liontrust UK Sm Cos I Inc 3 Bronze Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity UKA Inc 0.00 N/A 1.32 1.25 4.16 3.19 Dual 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to deliver capital growth over the long term (5 years or more).
Liontrust US Opps C Acc GBP 1 Y Y Y Y Y North America OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.87 0.75 4.63 3.65 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to deliver capital growth over the long term (5 years or more).
Liontrust Global Funds plc
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Yield after charges:
Investment Name Crown Rating OBSR Rating GIA ISA SIPP BOND RE-REG Sector Type Unit/Share Type Discounted Initial Charge % TER% OCF% AMC% from 7% from 6% Pricing Wealthtime Dealing Point Select
Liontrust GF Abs Rtn Bd C5 Acc GBP 3 Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest SIB Acc 0.00 N/A 0.37 0.30 5.15 4.16 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The investment objective of the Fund is to generate positive absolute returns over a rolling 12 month period, irrespective of market conditions. The Fund will invest in bond and credit markets worldwide (including developed and emerging markets).
Liontrust GF Hi Yield Bd C5 Acc GBP 1 Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest SIB Acc 0.00 N/A 0.47 0.40 5.04 4.06 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The investment objective of the Fund is to maximise total returns over the long term through a combination of income and capital. The Fund will invest predominantly in high yield and selected investment grade bond and credit markets worldwide (including developed and emerging markets).
Liontrust GF Spl Sits C3I A 5 Y Y Y Y Y Europe Ex UK SIB Acc 0.00 N/A 0.92 0.75 4.57 3.60 Single 9:00AM Daily
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Objective: The investment objective of Liontrust GF Special Situations Fund is to provide long-term capital growth.
Liontrust GFEurpnStgcEq C3HI A$ 5 Y Y Y Y Y Europe Ex UK SIB Acc 0.00 N/A 1.21 1.00 4.27 3.30 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The investment objective of the Fund is to achieve a positive absolute return over the long term for investors through a portfolio of long, synthetic long and synthetic short investments primarily in European equities and equity related derivatives.
Liontrust GFSusFutGblGwt C5 A 2 Y Y Y Y Y North America SIB Acc 0.00 N/A 0.87 0.75 4.63 3.65 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The investment objective of the Fund is to achieve long term capital growth by predominantly investing in a portfolio of global equities.
Lombard Odier Funds (Europe) S
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Yield after charges:
Investment Name Crown Rating OBSR Rating GIA ISA SIPP BOND RE-REG Sector Type Unit/Share Type Discounted Initial Charge % TER% OCF% AMC% from 7% from 6% Pricing Wealthtime Dealing Point Select
LO GblClmtBd SMCHN 2 Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 0.57 0.40 4.94 3.96 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Sub-Fund is actively managed. The Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate TR index is used for performance comparison as well as internal risk monitoring purposes, without implying any particular constraints to the Sub-Fund?s investments. Securities targeted by the Sub-Fund can be similar to those of the index to an extent that varies overtime but their weighting is expected to materially differ. The performance of the Sub-Fund may deviate materially from that of the index. The objective of the Sub-Fund is to generate a regular income and capital appreciation by investing mainly in bonds whose use of proceeds are aimed at financing projects that have a positive impact on the environment. In selecting individual bonds, the Investment Manager will apply qualitative and quantitative criteria to assess the environmental impact of the use of proceeds as well as perform a fundamental analysis of issuers. This approach aims at optimizing resource allocation and maximizing environmental impact while ensuring strict financial selection of issues. The Investment Manager will use its discretion with regard to the selection of instruments, issuers, maturities and currencies. The use of derivatives is used for hedging and efficient of portfolio management but not as part of investment strategy.
LO GblClmtBd SMCHNA 2 Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest SIB Acc 0.00 N/A 0.57 0.40 4.94 3.95 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Sub-Fund is actively managed. The Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate TR index is used for performance comparison as well as internal risk monitoring purposes, without implying any particular constraints to the Sub-Fund?s investments. Securities targeted by the Sub-Fund can be similar to those of the index to an extent that varies overtime but their weighting is expected to materially differ. The performance of the Sub-Fund may deviate materially from that of the index. The objective of the Sub-Fund is to generate a regular income and capital appreciation by investing mainly in bonds whose use of proceeds are aimed at financing projects that have a positive impact on the environment. In selecting individual bonds, the Investment Manager will apply qualitative and quantitative criteria to assess the environmental impact of the use of proceeds as well as perform a fundamental analysis of issuers. This approach aims at optimizing resource allocation and maximizing environmental impact while ensuring strict financial selection of issues. The Investment Manager will use its discretion with regard to the selection of instruments, issuers, maturities and currencies. The use of derivatives is used for hedging and efficient of portfolio management but not as part of investment strategy.
LO TrnstMtrl ND GBP 3 Y Y Y Y Y Specialist SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 1.02 0.75 4.47 3.49 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Sub-Fund is actively managed. The Bloomberg Commodity is used for performance and internal risk indicators comparison, without implying any particular constraints to the sub-fund investments. In addition, the Bloomberg Industrial Metals Subindex Total Return may also be used for performance comparison as well as for internal risk monitoring purposes. The Sub-Fund?s objective to replicate the performance of a proprietary index, which is a UCITS compliant index, comprised of securities whose supply/demand chain opportunities are expected to benefit from the transition to a low-carbon economy. In particular, the Proprietary Index is exposed to commodity-heavy themes that the Investment Manager believes to be at the forefront of this transition, such as electrification, green mobility, materials substitution as well as recycled materials. It does not invest into commodities adversely exposed to the transition such as fossil energy.
Lord Abbett & Co LLC
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Yield after charges:
Investment Name Crown Rating OBSR Rating GIA ISA SIPP BOND RE-REG Sector Type Unit/Share Type Discounted Initial Charge % TER% OCF% AMC% from 7% from 6% Pricing Wealthtime Dealing Point Select
Lord Abbett High Yield I H Acc GBP 1 Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest SIB Acc 0.00 N/A 0.70 0.60 4.80 3.82 n/a 2:00PM Daily
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Objective: The Fund's investment objective is to seek a high current income and the opportunity for capital appreciation to produce a high total return.
Lord Abbett High Yield I H Inc GBP 1 Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 0.70 0.60 4.80 3.82 n/a 2:00PM Daily
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Objective: The Fund's investment objective is to seek a high current income and the opportunity for capital appreciation to produce a high total return.
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Yield after charges:
Investment Name Crown Rating OBSR Rating GIA ISA SIPP BOND RE-REG Sector Type Unit/Share Type Discounted Initial Charge % TER% OCF% AMC% from 7% from 6% Pricing Wealthtime Dealing Point Select
CUKGILBdDRUETF Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest ETF Inc 0.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A n/a 2:00PM Daily
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Invesco Physical Gd ETC A Y Y Y N Y Specialist ETF Acc 0.00 N/A 0.19 0.19 5.34 4.35 Dual 2:00PM Daily
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NG GBP Y Y Y N Y Specialist ETF Acc 0.00 0.49 N/A N/A 5.02 4.04 n/a 2:00PM Daily
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SPDRBbg0-5YSgCpBdUCTETF Y Y Y Y Y UK Fixed Interest ETF Inc 0.00 N/A 0.20 0.20 5.33 4.34 Dual 2:00PM Daily
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Objective: The objective of SPDR Barclays 0-5 Year Sterling Corporate Bond UCITS ETF is to track the performance of the Sterling denominated corporate bond market for fixed-rate, investment-grade (high quality) securities. It aims to do this by tracking the performance of the Barclays 0-5 Year Sterling Corporate Bond Index as closely as possible.
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Yield after charges:
Investment Name Crown Rating OBSR Rating GIA ISA SIPP BOND RE-REG Sector Type Unit/Share Type Discounted Initial Charge % TER% OCF% AMC% from 7% from 6% Pricing Wealthtime Dealing Point Select
M&G Asian I Acc GBP 4 Y Y Y Y Y Pacific Ex Japan OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.60 N/A 4.91 3.93 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide a higher total return (the combination of capital growth and income), net of the Ongoing Charge Figure, than that of the MSCI AC Asia Pacific ex Japan Index over any five-year period.
M&G Asian I Inc GBP 4 Y Y Y Y Y Pacific Ex Japan OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.60 N/A 4.91 3.93 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide a higher total return (the combination of capital growth and income), net of the Ongoing Charge Figure, than that of the MSCI AC Asia Pacific ex Japan Index over any five-year period.
M&G CorporateBond I Acc GBP 3 Silver Y Y Y Y Y UK Fixed Interest OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.43 N/A 5.08 4.10 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide a higher total return (the combination of capital growth and income), net of the Ongoing Charge Figure, than the average return of the iBoxx Sterling Corporates GBP Index over any five-year period.
M&G CorporateBond I Inc GBP 3 Silver Y Y Y Y Y UK Fixed Interest OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.43 N/A 5.08 4.10 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide a higher total return (the combination of capital growth and income), net of the Ongoing Charge Figure, than the average return of the iBoxx Sterling Corporates GBP Index over any five-year period.
M&G Dividend I Acc GBP 2 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.76 N/A 4.74 3.76 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund has three aims: To provide an annual yield higher than that of the FTSE All-Share Index; To provide an income stream that increases every year; To provide a higher total return (the combination of capital growth and income), net of the Ongoing Charge Figure, than that of the FTSE All-Share Index over any five-year period.
M&G Dividend I Inc GBP 2 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.76 N/A 4.74 3.76 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund has three aims: To provide an annual yield higher than that of the FTSE All-Share Index; To provide an income stream that increases every year; To provide a higher total return (the combination of capital growth and income), net of the Ongoing Charge Figure, than that of the FTSE All-Share Index over any five-year period.
M&G Emerging Mkts Bd I Acc GBP 3 Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.68 N/A 4.82 3.84 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide a higher total return (the combination of capital growth and income), net of the Ongoing Charge Figure, than that of a composite index over any five-year period. The composite index is made up of one third JPM EMBI Global Diversified Index, one third JPM CEMBI Broad Diversified Index and one third JPM GBI-EM Global Diversified Index.
M&G Emerging Mkts Bd I Inc GBP 3 Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.68 N/A 4.82 3.84 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide a higher total return (the combination of capital growth and income), net of the Ongoing Charge Figure, than that of a composite index over any five-year period. The composite index is made up of one third JPM EMBI Global Diversified Index, one third JPM CEMBI Broad Diversified Index and one third JPM GBI-EM Global Diversified Index.
M&G Emerging Mkts Bd IH Acc GBP 3 Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.71 N/A 4.79 3.81 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide a higher total return (the combination of capital growth and income), net of the Ongoing Charge Figure, than that of a composite index over any five-year period. The composite index is made up of one third JPM EMBI Global Diversified Index, one third JPM CEMBI Broad Diversified Index and one third JPM GBI-EM Global Diversified Index.
M&G Emerging Mkts Bd IH Inc GBP 3 Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.71 N/A 4.79 3.81 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide a higher total return (the combination of capital growth and income), net of the Ongoing Charge Figure, than that of a composite index over any five-year period. The composite index is made up of one third JPM EMBI Global Diversified Index, one third JPM CEMBI Broad Diversified Index and one third JPM GBI-EM Global Diversified Index.
M&G Episode Allocation I Acc GBP 4 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.65 N/A 4.85 3.87 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to deliver a total return (the combination of capital growth and income) of at least 5% per annum above the Sterling Overnight Index Average (SONIA), before any charges are taken, over any five-year period. There is no guarantee that the Fund will achieve a positive return over five years, or any other, period, and investors may not get back the original amount they invested.
M&G Episode Allocation I Inc GBP 4 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.65 N/A 4.85 3.87 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to deliver a total return (the combination of capital growth and income) of at least 5% per annum above the Sterling Overnight Index Average (SONIA), before any charges are taken, over any five-year period. There is no guarantee that the Fund will achieve a positive return over five years, or any other, period, and investors may not get back the original amount they invested.
M&G Episode Growth I Acc GBP 5 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.65 N/A 4.85 3.87 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide a higher total return (the combination of capital growth and income) net of the Ongoing Charge Figure, than the average return of the IA Mixed Investment 40-85% Shares Sector over any five-year period.
M&G Episode Growth I Inc GBP 5 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.65 N/A 4.85 3.87 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide a higher total return (the combination of capital growth and income) net of the Ongoing Charge Figure, than the average return of the IA Mixed Investment 40-85% Shares Sector over any five-year period.
M&G Episode Income I Acc GBP 2 Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.67 N/A 4.83 3.85 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide: a growing level of income over any three- year period; and capital growth of 2-4% per annum, net of the Ongoing Charge Figure, over any three- year period. There is no guarantee that the Fund will achieve its objective over this, or any other, period. The income distributions and the value of your investment may rise and fall and investors may not recoup the original amount they invested.
M&G Episode Income I Inc GBP 2 Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.67 N/A 4.83 3.85 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide: a growing level of income over any three- year period; and capital growth of 2-4% per annum, net of the Ongoing Charge Figure, over any three- year period. There is no guarantee that the Fund will achieve its objective over this, or any other, period. The income distributions and the value of your investment may rise and fall and investors may not recoup the original amount they invested.
M&G ErpnStnPrAlg I Acc GBP 4 Silver Y Y Y Y Y Europe Ex UK OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.55 N/A 4.96 3.98 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund has two aims: To provide a higher total return (capital growth plus income), net of the Ongoing Charge Figure, than that of the MSCI Europe ex UK Index over any five-year period; and To invest in companies that contribute towards the Paris Agreement climate change goal.
M&G ErpnStnPrAlg I Inc GBP 4 Silver Y Y Y Y Y Europe Ex UK OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.55 N/A 4.96 3.98 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund has two aims: To provide a higher total return (capital growth plus income), net of the Ongoing Charge Figure, than that of the MSCI Europe ex UK Index over any five-year period; and To invest in companies that contribute towards the Paris Agreement climate change goal.
M&G Gbl Emerging Mkts I Acc GBP 5 Neutral Y Y Y Y Y Global Emerging Markets OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.77 N/A 4.73 3.75 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide a higher total return (the combination of capital growth and income), net of the Ongoing Charge Figure, than that of the MSCI Emerging Markets Index over any five-year period.
M&G Gbl Emerging Mkts I Inc GBP 5 Neutral Y Y Y Y Y Global Emerging Markets OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.77 N/A 4.73 3.75 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide a higher total return (the combination of capital growth and income), net of the Ongoing Charge Figure, than that of the MSCI Emerging Markets Index over any five-year period.
M&G Gbl Hi Yield Bd I Acc GBP 2 Neutral Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.58 N/A 4.93 3.95 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide a higher total return (the combination of capital growth and income), net of the Ongoing Charge Figure, than that of the ICE BofAML Global High Yield Index (GBP Hedged) over any five-year period.
M&G Gbl Hi Yield Bd I Inc GBP 2 Neutral Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.58 N/A 4.93 3.95 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide a higher total return (the combination of capital growth and income), net of the Ongoing Charge Figure, than that of the ICE BofAML Global High Yield Index (GBP Hedged) over any five-year period.
M&G Gbl Lst Inf I A 2 Y Y Y Y Y North America OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 1.07 N/A 4.42 3.44 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund has two aims: to deliver a higher total return (the combination of income and growth of capital), net of the Ongoing Charges Figure, than that of the MSCI All Countries World Index over any five-year period and; to deliver an income stream that increases every year in Sterling terms.
M&G Gbl Lst Inf I H Inc GBP 2 Y Y Y Y Y Specialist OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 1.10 N/A 4.39 3.41 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund has two aims: to deliver a higher total return (the combination of income and growth of capital), net of the Ongoing Charges Figure, than that of the MSCI All Countries World Index over any five-year period and; to deliver an income stream that increases every year in Sterling terms.
M&G Gbl Lst Inf I I 2 Y Y Y Y Y North America OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 1.07 N/A 4.42 3.44 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund has two aims: to deliver a higher total return (the combination of income and growth of capital), net of the Ongoing Charges Figure, than that of the MSCI All Countries World Index over any five-year period and; to deliver an income stream that increases every year in Sterling terms.
M&G Gbl Strategic Val I Acc GBP 4 Y Y Y Y Y North America OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.94 N/A 4.55 3.58 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide a higher total return (the combination of capital growth and income), net of the Ongoing Charge Figure, than that of the MSCI ACWI Index over any five-year period.
M&G GblConvertibles I Acc GBP 4 Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.85 N/A 4.65 3.67 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide a higher total return (the combination of capital growth and income), net of the Ongoing Charge Figure, than the Thomson Reuters Global Focus Convertible Bond Index over any five-year period.
M&G GblConvertibles I Inc GBP 4 Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.85 N/A 4.65 3.67 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide a higher total return (the combination of capital growth and income), net of the Ongoing Charge Figure, than the Thomson Reuters Global Focus Convertible Bond Index over any five-year period.
M&G GblConvertibles IH Acc GBP 4 Y Y Y Y Y Specialist OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.88 N/A 4.62 3.64 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide a higher total return (the combination of capital growth and income), net of the Ongoing Charge Figure, than the Thomson Reuters Global Focus Convertible Bond Index over any five-year period.
M&G GblFlRtHiY IH Acc GBP 4 Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.63 N/A 4.88 3.90 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide a higher total return (the combination of capital growth and income), net of the Ongoing Charge Figure, than that of the ICE BofAML Global Floating Rate High Yield Index (3% constrained) USD Hedged over any five-year period.