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JP Morgan Asset Management UK
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Yield after charges:
Investment Name Crown Rating OBSR Rating GIA ISA SIPP BOND RE-REG Sector Type Unit/Share Type Discounted Initial Charge % TER% OCF% AMC% from 7% from 6% Pricing Wealthtime Dealing Point Select
JPM Eur Dynamic Ex UK C Acc 4 Y Y Y Y Y Europe Ex UK OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.90 0.75 4.60 3.62 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To maximise long-term capital growth by investing primarily in continental European Equities.
JPM Eur Dynamic Ex UK C Acc 4 Y Y Y Y Y Europe Ex UK OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.85 0.75 4.65 3.67 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To maximise long-term capital growth by investing primarily in continental European Equities.
JPM Eur Dynamic Ex UK C Inc 4 Y Y Y Y Y Europe Ex UK OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.89 0.75 4.61 3.63 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To maximise long-term capital growth by investing primarily in continental European Equities.
JPM Europe Smaller Comp C Acc 3 Y Y Y Y Y Europe Ex UK OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.87 0.75 4.63 3.65 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To provide long-term capital growth by investing primarily in European smaller companies.
JPM Europe Smaller Comp C Inc 3 Y Y Y Y Y Europe Ex UK OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.90 0.75 4.60 3.62 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To provide long-term capital growth by investing primarily in European smaller companies.
JPM Gbl Bd Opprt C Gr Acc 4 Bronze Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.65 0.50 4.85 3.87 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Global Bond Opportunities Fund seeks to enhance total returns by providing flexible, high-conviction exposure across 15 fixed income sectors and over 50 countries.
JPM Gbl Bd Opprt C Gr Inc 4 Bronze Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.65 0.50 4.85 3.87 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Global Bond Opportunities Fund seeks to enhance total returns by providing flexible, high-conviction exposure across 15 fixed income sectors and over 50 countries.
JPM Gbl Eq Inc C Acc 4 Y Y Y Y Y North America OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.90 0.75 4.60 3.62 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To provide a portfolio designed to achieve income by investing, at least 80% of the Fund's assets globally, in equities, in any economic sector whilst participating in capital growth over the long-term (5-10 years)
JPM Gbl Eq Inc C Hgd Acc 4 Y Y Y Y Y North America OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.90 0.75 4.60 3.62 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To provide a portfolio designed to achieve income by investing, at least 80% of the Fund's assets globally, in equities, in any economic sector whilst participating in capital growth over the long-term (5-10 years)
JPM Gbl Eq Inc C Hgd Inc 4 Y Y Y Y Y North America OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.90 0.75 4.60 3.62 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To provide a portfolio designed to achieve income by investing, at least 80% of the Fund's assets globally, in equities, in any economic sector whilst participating in capital growth over the long-term (5-10 years)
JPM Gbl Eq Inc C Inc 4 Y Y Y Y Y North America OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.90 0.75 4.60 3.62 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To provide a portfolio designed to achieve income by investing, at least 80% of the Fund's assets globally, in equities, in any economic sector whilst participating in capital growth over the long-term (5-10 years)
JPM Gbl Hi Yield Bd C Gr Acc 2 Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.60 0.45 4.91 3.93 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To provide a high return from a diversified portfolio of Bond and other Debt Securities. TheFund will invest primarily in Bond and other Debt Securities (mainly Below InvestmentGrade securities or Unrated securities) of issuers in developed countries, primarilycorporations and banks. The Fund may also invest in Bond and other Debt Securities ofissuers of Emerging countries. The Fund will aim to hedge non-Sterling securities back toSterling.
JPM Gbl Hi Yield Bd C Gr Inc 2 Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.60 0.45 4.91 3.93 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To provide a high return from a diversified portfolio of Bond and other Debt Securities. TheFund will invest primarily in Bond and other Debt Securities (mainly Below InvestmentGrade securities or Unrated securities) of issuers in developed countries, primarilycorporations and banks. The Fund may also invest in Bond and other Debt Securities ofissuers of Emerging countries. The Fund will aim to hedge non-Sterling securities back toSterling.
JPM Gbl Macro Opps C Acc 1 Neutral Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.65 0.60 4.85 3.87 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide positive investment returns, before fees, over a rolling 3 year period in all market conditions by investing in securities globally, using derivatives where appropriate. A positive return is not guaranteed over this or any time period and a capital loss may occur.
JPM Gbl Macro Opps C Inc 1 Neutral Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.66 0.60 4.84 3.86 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide positive investment returns, before fees, over a rolling 3 year period in all market conditions by investing in securities globally, using derivatives where appropriate. A positive return is not guaranteed over this or any time period and a capital loss may occur.
JPM GblMcrSus C Acc 1 Neutral Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.75 0.60 4.75 3.77 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide positive investment returns, before fees, over a rolling 3 year period in all market conditions by investing globally in a portfolio that is positioned towards securities with positive ESG characteristics, using derivatives where appropriate. A positive return is not guaranteed over this or any time period and a capital loss may occur.
JPM GblMcrSus C Inc 1 Neutral Y Y N N Y Multi Asset Class OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.75 0.60 4.75 3.77 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide positive investment returns, before fees, over a rolling 3 year period in all market conditions by investing globally in a portfolio that is positioned towards securities with positive ESG characteristics, using derivatives where appropriate. A positive return is not guaranteed over this or any time period and a capital loss may occur.
JPM GblRschEnhIdxEq E Acc 4 Y Y Y Y Y North America OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.35 0.25 5.17 4.19 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To provide capital growth and outperform the MSCI World Index (Net) (the "Benchmark") over the long term (5-10 years), after fees, by investing primarily in a portfolio of companies, globally; the risk characteristics of the portfolio of securities held by the Fund will resemble the risk characteristics of the portfolio of securities held in the Benchmark. Uses a research-driven investment process that is based on the fundamental analysis of companies and their future earnings and cash flows by a team of specialist sector analysts. Enhanced index approach that builds a portfolio in reference to the benchmark by overweighting securities with the highest potential to outperform and underweighting securities considered most overvalued. Diversified portfolio with disciplined, risk-controlled portfolio construction. The Fund uses a research driven investment process that is based on the fundamental analysis of companies and their future earnings and cash flows by a research team of specialist sector analysts. The Fund uses an enhanced index approach that builds a portfolio in reference to the Benchmark by overweighting securities with the highest potential to outperform and underweighting securities considered most overvalued. The Fund's outperformance relative to the benchmark is constrained as the risk characteristics of the portfolio of securities held by the Fund resemble the risk characteristics of the portfolio of securities held in the Benchmark. Financial Derivative Instruments may be used for the purpose of Efficient Portfolio Management, including hedging, where appropriate. The Fund may invest in assets denominated in any currency and non-Sterling currency exposure will typically be managed to the currency weights of the Benchmark.
JPM Glbl Unconstrnd Eq C Acc 2 Y Y Y Y Y North America OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.83 0.75 4.67 3.69 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To provide capital growth over the long term by investing throughout the world in any economic sector. Uses a fundamental bottom up stock selection process. Investment process built on leveraging firmwide global analyst resources to identify quality growth companies and buy them when valuations are attractive. Uses a high-conviction approach to finding the best investment ideas with minimal constraints. The Fund will primarily invest in shares of companies globally and will have exposure to Emerging Markets. Smaller company investments may be held on an ancillary basis. The Fund may also use Financial Derivative Instruments (derivatives) for the purpose of Efficient Portfolio Management, including hedging, where appropriate. The Fund may invest in assets denominated in any currency and non-Sterling currency exposure may be hedged back to Sterling.
JPM Glbl Unconstrnd Eq C Inc 2 Y Y Y Y Y North America OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.90 0.75 4.60 3.62 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To provide capital growth over the long term by investing throughout the world in any economic sector. Uses a fundamental bottom up stock selection process. Investment process built on leveraging firmwide global analyst resources to identify quality growth companies and buy them when valuations are attractive. Uses a high-conviction approach to finding the best investment ideas with minimal constraints. The Fund will primarily invest in shares of companies globally and will have exposure to Emerging Markets. Smaller company investments may be held on an ancillary basis. The Fund may also use Financial Derivative Instruments (derivatives) for the purpose of Efficient Portfolio Management, including hedging, where appropriate. The Fund may invest in assets denominated in any currency and non-Sterling currency exposure may be hedged back to Sterling.
JPM Global Corporate Bond C Gr Acc 3 Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.50 0.35 5.01 4.03 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To provide income with the prospect of capital growth by investing primarily in global Investment Grade corporate Debt Securities. At least 80% of the Fund's assets will be invested in global Investment Grade corporate Debt Securities including Emerging Markets either directly or through derivatives. The Fund may also invest global Debt Securities issued by governments, excluding supranationals, local governments and agencies, and may invest in Below Investment Grade and Unrated Debt Securities to a limited extent. Financial Derivative Instruments may be used for Investment purposes or Efficient Portfolio Management, including hedging, where appropriate. The Fund may invest up to 5% in Contingent Convertible Securities. The Fund may invest in assets denominated in any currency and non-Sterling currency exposure will primarily be hedged back to Sterling.
JPM Global Ex UK Bond C Gr Acc 3 Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.50 0.35 5.01 4.03 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To provide income with the prospect of capital growth from investment anywhere in the world, including emerging markets, in non-Sterling denominated bonds in any economic sector.
JPM Global Ex UK Bond C Gr Inc 3 Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.50 0.35 5.01 4.03 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To provide income with the prospect of capital growth from investment anywhere in the world, including emerging markets, in non-Sterling denominated bonds in any economic sector.
JPM Japan C Acc 1 Silver Y Y Y Y Y Japan OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.81 0.75 4.69 3.71 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To provide capital growth over the long-term (5- 10 years) by investing at least 80% of the Fund's assets in the shares of Japanese companies.
JPM Japan C Inc 1 Silver Y Y Y Y Y Japan OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.79 0.75 4.71 3.73 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To provide capital growth over the long-term (5- 10 years) by investing at least 80% of the Fund's assets in the shares of Japanese companies.
JPM Japan CH Acc 1 Silver Y Y Y Y Y Japan OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.81 0.75 4.69 3.71 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To provide capital growth over the long-term (5- 10 years) by investing at least 80% of the Fund's assets in the shares of Japanese companies.
JPM JPMClChgSltns C A 4 Y Y Y Y Y North America OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.70 0.55 4.80 3.82 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To achieve a return through investing at least 80% of the Fund's assets in equity securities of companies with exposure to the theme of climate change solutions.
JPM JPMDivsfdGrth C Acc 1 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.52 0.35 4.99 4.01 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide long term capital growth by investing in a diversified mix of asset classes. As a result of its diversified portfolio the Fund is expected to have a lower level of volatility than equity markets as represented by the MSCI World Index.
JPM JPMUKEqVal C Acc 3 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.75 0.60 4.75 3.77 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To provide capital growth over the long-term (5- 10 years) through investment in a value style biased portfolio of UK companies.
JPM JPMUncntdBnd C Gr Acc 2 Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.62 0.50 4.89 3.91 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide a positive return, before fees, which is higher than that of the Fund's Benchmark (ICE BofA SONIA Overnight Rate Index ) over a rolling 3 year period in all market conditions. A positive return is not guaranteed over this or any time period and capital loss may occur.
JPM JPMUncntdBnd C Gr Inc 2 Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.65 0.50 4.85 3.87 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide a positive return, before fees, which is higher than that of the Fund's Benchmark (ICE BofA SONIA Overnight Rate Index ) over a rolling 3 year period in all market conditions. A positive return is not guaranteed over this or any time period and capital loss may occur.
JPM JPMUSSmlCpGrth C Acc 1 Y Y Y Y Y North America OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.73 0.65 4.77 3.79 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To provide capital growth over the long-term (5- 10 years) by investing at least 80% of the Fund’s assets in a growth style biased portfolio of small capitalisation US companies.
JPM JPMUSSmlCpGrth C Inc 1 Y Y Y Y Y North America OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.80 0.65 4.70 3.72 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To provide capital growth over the long-term (5- 10 years) by investing at least 80% of the Fund’s assets in a growth style biased portfolio of small capitalisation US companies.
JPM JPMUSSusEq C Acc Y Y Y Y Y North America OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.65 0.50 4.85 3.87 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To provide capital growth over the long-term (5-10 years) by investing at least 80% of the Fund’s assets in US Sustainable Companies or US companies that demonstrate improving sustainable characteristics. Sustainable Companies are those that the Investment Manager believes to have effective governance and superior management of environmental and/or social issues (sustainable characteristics).
JPM Multi Asset Inc C Acc 1 Silver Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.74 0.65 4.76 3.78 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To provide income by investing primarily in a global portfolio of income generatingsecurities.
JPM Multi Asset Inc C Inc 1 Silver Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.76 0.65 4.74 3.76 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To provide income by investing primarily in a global portfolio of income generatingsecurities.
JPM Multi Manager Growth C Acc 2 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.73 0.60 4.77 3.79 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide capital growth over the long-term (5-10 years) by investing at least 80% of the Fund's assets in investment trusts worldwide in any economic sector
JPM Multi Manager Growth C Inc 2 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.66 0.60 4.84 3.86 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide capital growth over the long-term (5-10 years) by investing at least 80% of the Fund's assets in investment trusts worldwide in any economic sector
JPM Natural Resources C Acc 3 Neutral Y Y Y Y Y North America OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.83 0.75 4.67 3.69 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To invest, primarily in the shares of, companies throughout the world engaged in theproduction and marketing of commodities. The Fund aims to provide capital growth overthe long term.
JPM Natural Resources C Inc 3 Neutral Y Y Y Y Y North America OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.90 0.75 4.60 3.62 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To invest, primarily in the shares of, companies throughout the world engaged in theproduction and marketing of commodities. The Fund aims to provide capital growth overthe long term.
JPM Sterling Corp Bd C Gr Acc 2 Y Y Y Y Y UK Fixed Interest OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.50 0.35 5.01 4.03 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To achieve a return based on a combination of income and capital growth by investing at least 80% of the Fund’s assets in investment grade Sterling denominated bonds (or other bonds hedged back to Sterling), using derivatives where appropriate.
JPM Sterling Corp Bd C Gr Inc 2 Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.50 0.35 5.01 4.03 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To achieve a return based on a combination of income and capital growth by investing at least 80% of the Fund’s assets in investment grade Sterling denominated bonds (or other bonds hedged back to Sterling), using derivatives where appropriate.
JPM UK Dynamic C Acc 3 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.84 0.70 4.66 3.68 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To maximise capital growth over the long-term (5-10 years) by investing at least 80% of the Fund's assets in UK equities
JPM UK Equity Core E NA 3 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.30 0.25 5.22 4.24 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide capital growth and outperform the FTSE TM All-Share Index (Net) over the long term by investing primarily in a portfolio of UK companies.
JPM UK Equity Core E NI 3 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.30 0.25 5.22 4.24 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide capital growth and outperform the FTSE TM All-Share Index (Net) over the long term by investing primarily in a portfolio of UK companies.
JPM UK Equity Core E QrtNA 3 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.28 0.25 5.24 4.26 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide capital growth and outperform the FTSE TM All-Share Index (Net) over the long term by investing primarily in a portfolio of UK companies.
JPM UK Equity Core E QrtNI 3 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.36 0.25 5.16 4.17 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide capital growth and outperform the FTSE TM All-Share Index (Net) over the long term by investing primarily in a portfolio of UK companies.
JPM UK Equity Growth C Acc 2 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.85 0.75 4.65 3.67 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To provide capital growth over the long-term (5- 10 years) by investing at least 80% of the Fund's assets in a growth style biased portfolio of UK companies
JPM UK Equity Growth C Inc 2 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.90 0.75 4.60 3.62 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To provide capital growth over the long-term (5- 10 years) by investing at least 80% of the Fund's assets in a growth style biased portfolio of UK companies
JPM UK Equity Income C Acc 3 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.75 0.60 4.75 3.77 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To maximise relative returns by aiming to generate a yield in excess of the FTSE™ All-Share Index and to provide long-term capital growth. Uses the Behavioural Finance process that is based on investments in stocks with specific style characteristics, such as value, quality and momentum. Applies a disciplined, bottom up investment approach to stock selection. Uses a best ideas approach to finding the most attractive investment ideas with minimal constraints. The Fund will achieve its objective by investing in a portfolio consisting primarily of Equity and Equity-Linked Securities of UK Companies. It will invest using a flexible investment approach in stocks with specific style characteristics such as value, quality and momentum. UK Companies are companies that are incorporated under the laws of, and have their registered office in, the UK, or that derive the predominant part of their economic activity from the UK, even if listed elsewhere. Smaller companies may be held. The Fund may also use Financial Derivative Instruments (derivatives) for the purpose of Efficient Portfolio Management, including hedging, where appropriate. The Fund may hold cash and cash equivalents and in exceptional circumstances the Fund may invest in fixed income securities as the Investment Adviser deems appropriate.
JPM UK Equity Income C Inc 3 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.75 0.60 4.75 3.77 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To maximise relative returns by aiming to generate a yield in excess of the FTSE™ All-Share Index and to provide long-term capital growth. Uses the Behavioural Finance process that is based on investments in stocks with specific style characteristics, such as value, quality and momentum. Applies a disciplined, bottom up investment approach to stock selection. Uses a best ideas approach to finding the most attractive investment ideas with minimal constraints. The Fund will achieve its objective by investing in a portfolio consisting primarily of Equity and Equity-Linked Securities of UK Companies. It will invest using a flexible investment approach in stocks with specific style characteristics such as value, quality and momentum. UK Companies are companies that are incorporated under the laws of, and have their registered office in, the UK, or that derive the predominant part of their economic activity from the UK, even if listed elsewhere. Smaller companies may be held. The Fund may also use Financial Derivative Instruments (derivatives) for the purpose of Efficient Portfolio Management, including hedging, where appropriate. The Fund may hold cash and cash equivalents and in exceptional circumstances the Fund may invest in fixed income securities as the Investment Adviser deems appropriate.
JPM UK Equity Plus C Acc 4 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.90 0.75 4.60 3.62 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To provide long-term capital growth through exposure to UK companies by direct investments in securities of such companies and through the use of Financial Derivative Instruments (derivatives).
JPM UK Equity Plus C Inc 4 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.90 0.75 4.60 3.62 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To provide long-term capital growth through exposure to UK companies by direct investments in securities of such companies and through the use of Financial Derivative Instruments (derivatives).
JPM UK Smaller Comp C Acc 3 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.85 0.70 4.65 3.67 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To provide capital growth over the long-term (5- 10 years) by investing at least 80% of the Fund’s assets in small capitalisation UK companies.
JPM US Equity Income C Acc 2 Y Y Y Y Y North America OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.64 0.60 4.87 3.89 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To provide a portfolio designed to achieve income by investing at least 80% of the Fund’s assets in US equities in any economic sector whilst participating in capital growth over the longterm (5-10 years).
JPM US Equity Income C Inc 2 Y Y Y Y Y North America OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.62 0.60 4.89 3.91 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To provide a portfolio designed to achieve income by investing at least 80% of the Fund’s assets in US equities in any economic sector whilst participating in capital growth over the longterm (5-10 years).
JPM US Equity Income CH I 2 Y Y Y Y Y North America OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.69 0.60 4.81 3.83 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To provide a portfolio designed to achieve income by investing at least 80% of the Fund’s assets in US equities in any economic sector whilst participating in capital growth over the longterm (5-10 years).
JPM US Select C Acc 4 Silver Y Y Y Y Y North America OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.55 0.50 4.96 3.98 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To provide capital growth by investing in a portfolio of equity securities of US companies
JPM US Select C Inc 4 Silver Y Y Y Y Y North America OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.62 0.50 4.89 3.91 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To provide capital growth by investing in a portfolio of equity securities of US companies
JPMorgan Asset Mgmt (Europe) S
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Yield after charges:
Investment Name Crown Rating OBSR Rating GIA ISA SIPP BOND RE-REG Sector Type Unit/Share Type Discounted Initial Charge % TER% OCF% AMC% from 7% from 6% Pricing Wealthtime Dealing Point Select
JPM $EMSovgnBUCTSETF H Dis GBP 4 Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest ETF Inc 0.00 N/A 0.39 N/A 5.13 4.14 n/a 2:00PM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the Sub-Fund is to provide an exposure to the performance of bonds issued by the governments or quasi-government entities of emerging markets countries globally which are denominated in US Dollars.
JPM Emg Mkts Opps C Dis NV 2 Y Y Y Y Y Global Emerging Markets SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 0.96 0.75 4.53 3.56 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To provide long-term capital growth by investing primarily in an aggressively managed portfolio of emerging market companies.
JPM EmgMktsSmCap C p D N 1 Y Y Y Y Y Global Emerging Markets SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 0.96 0.75 4.53 3.56 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To provide long-term capital growth by investing primarily in emerging market companies.
JPM EurDynTchs C DN 1 Y Y Y Y Y Specialist SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 1.01 0.80 4.48 3.50 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To provide long-term capital growth by investing primarily in technology (including media and telecommunication) related European companies.
JPM Gbl Bd Opps Sust C D 3 Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 0.65 0.50 4.85 3.87 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To achieve a return in excess of the benchmark by investing opportunistically in an unconstrained portfolio of debt securities (positively positioned towards Sustainable Debt Securities and debt securities issued by companies and countries that demonstrate improving sustainable characteristics) and currencies, using derivatives where appropriate. Sustainable Debt Securities are those that the Investment Manager believes have been issued by companies and countries that demonstrate effective governance and superior management of environmental and social issues (sustainable characteristics).
JPM Gbl Healthcare C Dis NAV 2 Y Y Y Y Y North America SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 1.01 0.80 4.48 3.50 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To achieve a return by investing primarily in pharmaceutical, biotechnology, healthcare services, medical technology and life sciences companies ('Healthcare Companies'), globally.
JPM Gbl Macro Sus CH I 1 Neutral Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 0.75 0.60 4.75 3.77 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To achieve a return in excess of its cash benchmark by investing globally in a portfolio of Sustainable Securities, currencies and using derivatives where appropriate.
JPM GblCnvtlEUR CHgd Dis GBP NAV 1 Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 0.95 0.75 4.54 3.57 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To provide a return by investing primarily in a diversified portfolio of convertible securities globally.
JPM GblGovtSDurBd C Dis NAV GBP 1 Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 0.35 0.20 5.17 4.19 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To achieve a return in line with the Benchmark by investing primarily in global government short-term debt securities.
JPM GblMcrOpps C Hg DN Neutral Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 0.76 0.60 4.74 3.76 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To achieve capital appreciation in excess of its cash benchmark by investing primarily in securities, globally, using financial derivative instruments where appropriate.
JPM GblResEnhIdxEqESGUCTF H A 4 Y Y Y Y Y North America ETF Acc 0.00 N/A 0.25 N/A 5.27 4.29 n/a 2:00PM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the Sub-Fund is to achieve a long-term return in excess of the Benchmark by actively investing primarily in a portfolio of companies, globally.
JPM GBP Ult-ShtIncUCTETF IGBP Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest ETF Inc 0.00 N/A 0.18 N/A 5.35 4.36 n/a 2:00PM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the Sub-Fund is to provide current income while seeking to maintain a low volatility of principal.
JPM GHYCBMF H D Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest ETF Inc 0.00 N/A 0.35 N/A 5.17 4.19 n/a 2:00PM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the Sub-Fund is to achieve a long-term return in excess of the Benchmark by actively investing primarily in a portfolio of below investment grade corporate debt securities, globally
JPM GtrChina C Dis GBP 2 Silver Y Y Y Y Y Pacific Ex Japan SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 0.96 0.75 4.53 3.56 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To provide long-term capital growth by investing primarily in companies from the People's Republic of China, Hong Kong and Taiwan (Greater China).
JPM IncOpp CPH Dis NAV 3 Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 0.70 0.55 4.80 3.82 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Sub-Fund aims to achieve a return in excess of the benchmark by exploiting investment opportunities in, amongst others, the debt and currency markets, using financial derivative instruments where appropriate.
JPM JE A Dis NAV GBP 1 Silver Y Y Y Y Y Japan SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 1.81 1.50 3.66 2.69 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To provide long-term capital growth by investing primarily in Japanese companies.
JPM MdlEstAfrandEmgngErpOpp C D Y Y Y Y Y Global Emerging Markets SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 0.96 0.75 4.53 3.56 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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JPM US Sel Eq C Dis NAV 4 Neutral Y Y Y Y Y North America SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 0.71 0.50 4.79 3.81 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To achieve a return in excess of the US equity market by investing primarily in US companies.
JPM USSeEqPl A Dis NAV GBP 5 Bronze Y Y Y Y Y North America SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 1.81 1.50 3.66 2.69 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To provide long-term capital growth, through exposure to US companies by direct investment in securities of such companies and through the use of financial derivative instruments.
JPM USV C Dis NAV GBP 2 Y Y Y Y Y North America SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 0.81 0.60 4.69 3.71 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To provide long-term capital growth by investing primarily in a value style biased portfolio of US companies.
Jupiter Asset Management
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Yield after charges:
Investment Name Crown Rating OBSR Rating GIA ISA SIPP BOND RE-REG Sector Type Unit/Share Type Discounted Initial Charge % TER% OCF% AMC% from 7% from 6% Pricing Wealthtime Dealing Point Select
JGF-Jupiter DyBd DH Acc GBP 2 Silver Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest SIB Acc 0.00 N/A 0.70 0.50 4.80 3.82 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To achieve a high income with the prospect of capital growth from a portfolio of investments in global fixed interest securities.
JGF-Jupiter EurpnGth D Acc 1 Bronze Y Y Y Y Y Europe Ex UK SIB Acc 0.00 N/A 0.95 0.75 4.54 3.57 Single 2:00PM Daily
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Objective: The Fund objective is to provide income with the prospect of capital growth to provide a return, net of fees, over the long term (at least five years).
JGF-Jupiter EurpnGth L A Inc 1 Bronze Y Y Y Y Y Europe Ex UK SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 1.72 1.50 3.75 2.78 Single 9:00AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund objective is to provide income with the prospect of capital growth to provide a return, net of fees, over the long term (at least five years).
JGF-Jupiter India Select D Acc 4 Y Y Y Y Y Global Emerging Markets SIB Acc 0.00 N/A 0.95 0.75 4.54 3.57 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund objective is to provide income with the prospect of capital growth to provide a return, net of fees, over the long term (at least five years).
Jupiter API I Acc GBP 4 Y Y Y Y Y Pacific Ex Japan SIB Acc 0.00 N/A 1.13 0.75 4.36 3.38 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: Objective: long term capital growth and income by investing not less than 70 % in shares of companies (i.e. equities) from the Asia Pacific region (excluding Japan) or companies which have a predominant proportion of their assets or business operations in the Asia Pacific region (excluding Japan).
Jupiter DynBdESG D HSC Acc GBP Silver Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest SIB Acc 0.00 N/A 0.68 0.50 4.82 3.84 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to achieve a high income with the prospect of capital growth over the long term from a portfolio of investments in global Debt securities in respect of which consideration is given to certain environmental, social and governance characteristics.
Jupiter FinCngtCp I H Acc 5 Y Y Y Y Y Absolute Return SIB Acc 0.00 N/A 0.95 0.75 4.54 3.57 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: than that of the Bloomberg Barclays Contingent Capital Western Europe Index (USD Hedged) over rolling 3 year periods.The Fund will primarily invest fixed and variable rate debt
Jupiter GblEmMrkts Fcs I A 3 Y Y Y Y Y Global Emerging Markets SIB Acc 0.00 N/A 1.01 0.75 4.48 3.50 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: Objective: capital growth over the long term by investing in shares (i.e. equities) and similar investments of companies listed, traded or dealt in on a regulated market in emerging markets worldwide and companies that have a predominant proportion of their assets or business operations in these emerging market countries. In seeking to achieve its objective, the fund aims to deliver a return, net of fees, greater than that of the MSCI EM (Emerging Markets) Index with net dividends re-invested over rolling 3 year periods. The Fund will typically invest at least 80% in company shares and similar investments. Companies may be of all sizes and in any industry (e.g. pharmaceuticals, finance, etc). The Fund may invest up to 20% in China A-Shares through the China-Hong Kong Stock Connect scheme. TThe Fund will typically invest in the shares of fewer than 50 companies. The Fund may use derivatives (i.e. financial contracts whose value is linked to the expected price movements of an underlying investment), with the aim of generating returns and reducing the overall costs and/or risks of the Fund. The Fund is actively managed. Portfolio construction is driven by research into a company’s future prospects in the context of the economic environment to identify attractively priced investment opportunities. The Index is a broad representation of the Fund's investment universe. Although a large proportion of the Fund’s investments may be components of the Index, the Fund has the ability to deviate significantly from the Index.
Jupiter Gld&Slvr I A 4 Y Y Y Y Y Specialist SIB Acc 0.00 N/A 1.00 0.75 4.49 3.51 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: Objective: total return comprised of capital growth and income by investing predominantly in listed shares (i.e. equities) of companies with exposure to gold and silver metals.The Fund will invest at least 70% in company shares and similar investments listed anywhere in the world. Companies may be of all sizes and their operations and activities will be focused on gold and silver mining or holding bullion on a secure basis for shareholders. The Fund will also invest in Exchange Traded Funds and similar investments listed anywhere in the world. These will be used to provide the Fund with exposure to the movement of the price on gold and silver. The Fund will typically invest in the shares of fewer than 60 companies. The Fund may use derivatives (i.e. financial contracts whose value is linked to the expected price movements of an underlying investment) with the aim of generating returns and reducing the overall costs and/or risks of the Fund. The Fund may take long or short positions through the use of derivatives, which may result in the Fund being leveraged. Leverage magnifies the exposure of the Fund to greater than the underlying investments. In such situations, returns may rise or fall more than they would have done otherwise, reflecting such additional exposure.
Jupiter MGEAR IH A 5 Y Y Y Y Y Absolute Return SIB Acc 0.00 N/A 0.83 0.75 4.67 3.69 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: Objective: capital growth, while closely controlling risk. The Fund also aims to deliver an absolute return (above zero performance, irrespective of market conditions) over rolling 12 month periods. In seeking to achieve its investment objective, the fund will aim to deliver a return, net of fees, in excess of the Federal Reserve Funds Target Rate over rolling 3 year periods. For performance measurement purposes, the cash benchmark will differ for non-base currency classes. The Fund also aims to achieve its objective within an annualised volatility limit of 6 per cent.The Fund may invest in company shares and similar investments listed or located anywhere in the world. The Fund uses derivatives (i.e. financial contracts whose value is linked to the expected price movements of an underlying investment), with the aim of generating returns and reducing the overall costs and/or risks of the Fund. The Fund will adopt a structured neutral position (balancing long and short positions aiming to build a portfolio with zero market exposure) at all times. The Fund will hold a long position (benefit from buying an asset with the aim of selling it later at a higher price relative to the market) in an investment expected to outperform the market, and short (benefit from the sale of an asset with the aim of buying it later at a lower price relative to the market) an investment expected to underperform the market. The Fund can take long and short positions through the use of derivatives, which may result in the Fund being leveraged. Leverage magnifies the exposure of the Fund to greater than the underlying investments. In such situations, returns may rise or fall more than they would have done otherwise, reflecting such additional exposure. The Fund is actively managed. Portfolio construction is driven by systematic analysis of companies against several distinct characteristics including stock price valuation, balance sheet quality, growth characteristics, efficient use of capital, analyst sentiment and supportive market trends to identify attractively priced investment opportunities.
Jupiter MrGblEqIn I Acc GBP 3 Y Y Y Y Y North America SIB Acc 0.00 N/A 1.35 0.75 4.13 3.16 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: Objective: a total return comprised of income and capital growth by investing in shares (i.e. equities) of companies listed or located throughout the world. In seeking to achieve its investment objective, the fund aims to deliver a total return, net of fees, greater than that of the MSCI ACWI with net dividends re-invested over rolling 3 year periods.The Fund will invest at least 70% in company shares and similar investments listed or located anywhere in the world. This may include emerging markets. The Fund may invest up to 15% in REITs (Real Estate Investment Trusts).The Fund uses derivatives (i.e. financial contracts whose value is linked to the expected price movements of an underlying investment), with the aim of generating returns and reducing the overall costs and/or risks of the Fund. The Fund is actively managed. Portfolio construction is driven by systematic analysis of companies against several distinct characteristics including stock price valuation, balance sheet quality, growth characteristics, efficient use of capital, analyst sentiment and supportive market trends to identify attractively priced investment opportunities. The Fund will look to invest in companies that produce regular cash flows through dividends (dividends are the proportion of company profits paid out to shareholders) and with good prospects for growth to deliver positive total returns. The Index is a representation of the markets in which the Fund primarily invests. Although a large proportion of the Fund’s investments may be components of the Index, the Fund has the ability to deviate significantly from the Index.
Jupiter MrGblEqIn I Inc GBP 3 Y Y Y Y Y North America SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 1.35 0.75 4.13 3.16 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: Objective: a total return comprised of income and capital growth by investing in shares (i.e. equities) of companies listed or located throughout the world. In seeking to achieve its investment objective, the fund aims to deliver a total return, net of fees, greater than that of the MSCI ACWI with net dividends re-invested over rolling 3 year periods.The Fund will invest at least 70% in company shares and similar investments listed or located anywhere in the world. This may include emerging markets. The Fund may invest up to 15% in REITs (Real Estate Investment Trusts).The Fund uses derivatives (i.e. financial contracts whose value is linked to the expected price movements of an underlying investment), with the aim of generating returns and reducing the overall costs and/or risks of the Fund. The Fund is actively managed. Portfolio construction is driven by systematic analysis of companies against several distinct characteristics including stock price valuation, balance sheet quality, growth characteristics, efficient use of capital, analyst sentiment and supportive market trends to identify attractively priced investment opportunities. The Fund will look to invest in companies that produce regular cash flows through dividends (dividends are the proportion of company profits paid out to shareholders) and with good prospects for growth to deliver positive total returns. The Index is a representation of the markets in which the Fund primarily invests. Although a large proportion of the Fund’s investments may be components of the Index, the Fund has the ability to deviate significantly from the Index.
Jupiter MrNAEqIRL I Acc GBP 3 Y Y Y Y Y North America SIB Acc 0.00 N/A 0.90 0.75 4.60 3.62 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: Objective: long-term capital growth by investing at least 70% in shares (i.e. equities) and similar investments of companies listed or located in the US and Canada. In seeking to achieve its investment objective, the fund aims to deliver a return, net of fees, greater than that of the MSCI North America Index with net dividends re-invested over rolling 3 year periods. The Fund will invest at least 70% in US and Canadian company shares and similar investments.The Fund may invest up to 15% in REITs (Real Estate Investment Trusts). The Fund uses derivatives (i.e. financial contracts whose value is linked to the expected price movements of an underlying investment) with the aim of reducing the overall costs and/or risks of the Fund. The Fund is actively managed. Portfolio construction is driven by systematic analysis of companies against several distinct characteristics including stock price valuation, balance sheet quality, growth characteristics, efficient use of capital, analyst sentiment and supportive market trends to identify attractively priced investment opportunities. The Index is a representation of the markets in which the Fund primarily invests. Although a large proportion of the Fund’s investments may be components of the Index, the Fund has the ability to deviate significantly from the Index.
Jupiter MrNAEqIRL IH A GBP 3 Y Y Y Y Y North America SIB Acc 0.00 N/A 0.90 0.75 4.60 3.62 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: Objective: long-term capital growth by investing at least 70% in shares (i.e. equities) and similar investments of companies listed or located in the US and Canada. In seeking to achieve its investment objective, the fund aims to deliver a return, net of fees, greater than that of the MSCI North America Index with net dividends re-invested over rolling 3 year periods. The Fund will invest at least 70% in US and Canadian company shares and similar investments.The Fund may invest up to 15% in REITs (Real Estate Investment Trusts). The Fund uses derivatives (i.e. financial contracts whose value is linked to the expected price movements of an underlying investment) with the aim of reducing the overall costs and/or risks of the Fund. The Fund is actively managed. Portfolio construction is driven by systematic analysis of companies against several distinct characteristics including stock price valuation, balance sheet quality, growth characteristics, efficient use of capital, analyst sentiment and supportive market trends to identify attractively priced investment opportunities. The Index is a representation of the markets in which the Fund primarily invests. Although a large proportion of the Fund’s investments may be components of the Index, the Fund has the ability to deviate significantly from the Index.
Jupiter StAbRtnBd F2Hg Acc GBP 2 Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest SIB Acc 0.00 N/A 0.59 0.50 4.92 3.94 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the Fund is to seek to positive total return comprised of income and capital growth, over rolling 12 month periods, irrespective of bond and equity market conditions. In seeking to achieve its investment objective, the fund will aim to deliver a return, net of fees, in excess of the Federal Funds Effective Overnight Rate over rolling 3 year periods.For performance measurement purposes, the cash benchmark will differ for non-base currency classes.The Fund also aims to achieve its objective within an expected annualised volatility range of 2.5% to 4.5%. At times the expected volatility of the Fund may vary up to 8% depending on market conditions.
Jupiter StAbRtnBd F2Hg Inc GBP 2 Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 0.59 0.50 4.92 3.94 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the Fund is to seek to positive total return comprised of income and capital growth, over rolling 12 month periods, irrespective of bond and equity market conditions. In seeking to achieve its investment objective, the fund will aim to deliver a return, net of fees, in excess of the Federal Funds Effective Overnight Rate over rolling 3 year periods.For performance measurement purposes, the cash benchmark will differ for non-base currency classes.The Fund also aims to achieve its objective within an expected annualised volatility range of 2.5% to 4.5%. At times the expected volatility of the Fund may vary up to 8% depending on market conditions.
Jupiter StAbRtnBd U1H A 2 Y Y Y Y Y Absolute Return SIB Acc 0.00 N/A 0.45 0.36 5.06 4.08 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the Fund is to seek to positive total return comprised of income and capital growth, over rolling 12 month periods, irrespective of bond and equity market conditions. In seeking to achieve its investment objective, the fund will aim to deliver a return, net of fees, in excess of the Federal Funds Effective Overnight Rate over rolling 3 year periods.For performance measurement purposes, the cash benchmark will differ for non-base currency classes.The Fund also aims to achieve its objective within an expected annualised volatility range of 2.5% to 4.5%. At times the expected volatility of the Fund may vary up to 8% depending on market conditions.
Jupiter UK Dynmc Eq I Inc GBP 1 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 1.27 1.00 4.21 3.24 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: Objective: capital growth by investing in shares (i.e. equities) and similar investments of companies that are outside the FTSE 100 Index at the time of investment. The Fund principally gains investment exposure to UK company shares and similar investments. In seeking to achieve its investment objective, the fund will aim to deliver a return, net of fees, greater than that of the FTSE 250 ex Investment Trust Index over rolling 3 year periods. The Fund will hold a long position (benefit from buying an asset with the aim of selling it later at a higher price to secure a profit) in an investment it favours, and short (benefit from the sale of an asset with the aim of buying it later at a lower price to secure a profit) an investment it does not favour. The Fund will adopt a structurally long position at all times. The Fund will typically invest in the shares of fewer than 60 companies. The Fund uses derivatives (i.e. financial contracts whose value is linked to the expected price movements of an underlying investment), with the aim of generating returns and reducing the overall costs and/or risks of the Fund. The Fund may invest up to 10% in unlisted companies. The Fund typically has long and short positions through the use of derivatives, which may result in the Fund being leveraged. Leverage magnifies the exposure of the Fund to greater than the underlying investments. In such situations, returns may rise or fall more than they would have done otherwise, reflecting such additional exposure. The Fund is actively managed. Portfolio construction is driven by research into a company's future prospects in the context of the economic environment to identify attractively priced investment opportunities. The Index is a representation of the markets in which the Fund primarily invests. Although a large proportion of the Fund’s investments may be components of the Index, the Fund has the ability to deviate significantly from the Index.
Jupiter UK SmCos Fcus I Inc GBP 1 Neutral Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 1.00 0.75 4.49 3.51 Single 2:00PM Daily
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Objective: Objective: capital growth by investing primarily in shares (i.e. equities) and similar investments of smaller companies. In seeking to achieve its investment objective, the fund will aim to deliver a return, net of fees, greater than that of the Numis Smaller Companies Index excluding Investment Companies over rolling 3 year periods.The Fund invests in UK company shares and similar investments. The Fund will invest at least 80% in smaller companies, which are defined as those companies quoted on a regulated market and that are no larger than the largest company in the Numis Smaller Companies Index at the time of initial investment. The Fund may invest up to 10% in unlisted companies. The Fund is actively managed. Portfolio construction is driven by research into a company's future prospects in the context of the economic environment to identify attractively priced investment opportunities. The Numis Smaller Companies Index excluding Investment Companies is a point of reference against which the performance of the Fund may be measured. The Index is a broad representation of the Fund's investment universe. Although a large proportion of the Fund’s investments may be components of the Index, the Fund has the ability to deviate significantly from the Index.
Jupiter UKSplEq I A 2 Y Y Y Y Y Absolute Return SIB Acc 0.00 N/A 1.36 1.00 4.12 3.15 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: Objective: capital growth by investing in company shares (i.e. equities) and similar investments with a bias to companies outside of the FTSE 100 index. The Fund also aims to deliver an absolute return (above zero performance, irrespective of market conditions) over rolling 12 month periods. In seeking to achieve its investment objective, the fund will aim to deliver a return, net of fees, in excess of the Sterling Overnight Interbank Average Rate over rolling 3 year periods. For performance measurement purposes, the cash benchmark will differ for non-base currency classes.The Fund principally gains investment exposure to UK company shares and similar investments. The Fund uses derivatives (i.e. financial contracts whose value is linked to the expected price movements of an underlying investment), with the aim of generating returns and reducing the overall costs and/or risks of the Fund. The Fund may invest up to 10% in unlisted companies. The Fund may hold a long position (benefit from buying an asset with the aim of selling it later at a higher price relative to the market) in an investment it favours, and short (benefit from the sale of an asset with the aim of buying it later at a lower price relative to the market) an investment it does not favour. The Fund will adopt a broadly market neutral approach (balancing long and short positions), while at some points of the market cycle taking a net long market position or net short market position. The Fund typically has long and short positions through the use of derivatives, which may result in the Fund being leveraged. Leverage magnifies the exposure of the Fund to greater than the value of the underlying investments. In such situations, returns may rise or fall more than they would have done otherwise, reflecting such additional exposure. The Fund is actively managed. Portfolio construction is driven by research into a company's future prospects in the context of the economic environment to identify attractively priced investment opportunities.
Jupiter Unit Trust Mgrs Ltd
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Yield after charges:
Investment Name Crown Rating OBSR Rating GIA ISA SIPP BOND RE-REG Sector Type Unit/Share Type Discounted Initial Charge % TER% OCF% AMC% from 7% from 6% Pricing Wealthtime Dealing Point Select
Jupiter Asian Inc I Acc 5 Y Y Y Y Y Pacific Ex Japan UKA Acc 0.00 N/A 1.01 N/A 4.48 3.50 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The objective of the Fund is to achieve income and capital growth over the long term by investing primarily in equities and similar securities of companies listed or located in the Asia Pacific region (including Australia and New Zealand) excluding Japan.