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Janus Capital Funds
= Download Factsheet
Yield after charges:
Investment Name Crown Rating OBSR Rating GIA ISA SIPP BOND RE-REG Sector Type Unit/Share Type Discounted Initial Charge % TER% OCF% AMC% from 7% from 6% Pricing Wealthtime Dealing Point Select
Janus Henderson GlLfSc H2 A 4 Y Y Y Y Y North America SIB Acc 0.00 N/A 0.85 0.80 4.65 3.67 Single 2:00PM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide capital growth over the long term. Performance target: To outperform the MSCI World Health Care Index by at least 2% per annum, before the deduction of charges, over any 5 year period.
Janus Henderson Global Investo
= Download Factsheet
Yield after charges:
Investment Name Crown Rating OBSR Rating GIA ISA SIPP BOND RE-REG Sector Type Unit/Share Type Discounted Initial Charge % TER% OCF% AMC% from 7% from 6% Pricing Wealthtime Dealing Point Select
Janus Henderson AbRt I A 3 Bronze Y Y Y Y Y Absolute Return OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 1.07 1.00 4.42 3.44 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide a positive (absolute) return, regardless of market conditions, over any 12 month period. A positive return is not guaranteed over this or any other time period, and particularly over the shorter term the Fund may experience periods of negative returns. Consequently your capital is at risk. Performance target: To outperform the UK Base Interest Rate, after the deduction of charges, over any 3 year period.
Janus Henderson AbsRtnFxdInc I A 3 Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.59 0.45 4.92 3.94 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to generate a positive return (more than zero), after the deduction of costs and charges, over a rolling 12 month period. An absolute return performance is not guaranteed over this specific, or any other, time period and consequently capital is in fact at risk. Performance target: To outperform the ICE Bank of America 3 month Sterling Government Bill Index by at least 2% per annum, before the deduction of charges, over any 5 year period.
Janus Henderson AlStkCr I A 2 Y Y Y Y Y UK Fixed Interest OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.49 0.45 5.02 4.04 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide a return, from a combination of income and capital growth over the long term. Performance target: To outperform the Markit iBoxx GBP Non-Gilts all maturities Index by 1% per annum, before the deduction of charges, over any 5 year period.
Janus Henderson AlStkCr I I 2 Y Y Y Y Y UK Fixed Interest OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.49 0.45 5.02 4.04 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide a return, from a combination of income and capital growth over the long term. Performance target: To outperform the Markit iBoxx GBP Non-Gilts all maturities Index by 1% per annum, before the deduction of charges, over any 5 year period.
Janus Henderson AsDvIncUT I A 4 Y Y Y Y Y Pacific Ex Japan UKA Acc 0.00 N/A 0.90 0.75 4.60 3.62 Dual 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide an income in excess of the income generated by the MSCI AC Asia Pacific ex Japan High Dividend Yield Index over any 5 year period with the potential for capital growth over the long term (5 years or more).
Janus Henderson AsDvIncUT I I 4 Y Y Y Y Y Pacific Ex Japan UKA Inc 0.00 N/A 0.90 0.75 4.60 3.62 Dual 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide an income in excess of the income generated by the MSCI AC Asia Pacific ex Japan High Dividend Yield Index over any 5 year period with the potential for capital growth over the long term (5 years or more).
Janus Henderson AsPcfCpGt I A 3 Y Y Y Y Y Pacific Ex Japan OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.90 0.75 4.60 3.62 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide capital growth over the long term. Performance target: To outperform the MSCI All Countries Asia Pacific ex Japan Index by at least 2% per annum, before the deduction of charges, over any 5 year period.
Janus Henderson ChOpp I A 3 Y Y Y Y Y Pacific Ex Japan OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.87 0.75 4.63 3.65 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide a return, from a combination of capital growth and income over the long term. Performance target: To outperform the MSCI Zhong Hua 10/40 Index by 2.5% per annum, before the deduction of charges, over any 5 year period.
Janus Henderson Cr3Inc I A 1 Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.64 0.50 4.87 3.89 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide a sustainably high income return whilst maintaining a moderately low level of volatility (variation of returns) over the medium to long term (5 years or more). Maintaining the volatility of the Fund within defined limits, while not guaranteed, is prioritised over the generation of income.
Janus Henderson Cr3Inc I I 1 Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.64 0.50 4.87 3.89 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide a sustainably high income return whilst maintaining a moderately low level of volatility (variation of returns) over the medium to long term (5 years or more). Maintaining the volatility of the Fund within defined limits, while not guaranteed, is prioritised over the generation of income.
Janus Henderson Cr4Inc I A 2 Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.64 0.50 4.87 3.89 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide a sustainably high income return with the prospect for some capital growth whilst maintaining a moderate to moderately low level of volatility (variation of returns) over the medium to long term (5 years or more). Maintaining the volatility of the Fund within defined limits, while not guaranteed, is prioritised over the generation of income.
Janus Henderson Cr4Inc I I 2 Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.65 0.50 4.85 3.87 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide a sustainably high income return with the prospect for some capital growth whilst maintaining a moderate to moderately low level of volatility (variation of returns) over the medium to long term (5 years or more). Maintaining the volatility of the Fund within defined limits, while not guaranteed, is prioritised over the generation of income.
Janus Henderson Cr5Inc I A 3 Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.65 0.50 4.85 3.87 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide a sustainably high income return with the prospect for some capital growth whilst maintaining a moderate level of volatility (variation of returns) over the medium to long term (5 years or more). Maintaining the volatility of the Fund within defined limits, while not guaranteed, is prioritised over the generation of income.
Janus Henderson Cr5Inc I I 3 Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.65 0.50 4.85 3.87 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide a sustainably high income return with the prospect for some capital growth whilst maintaining a moderate level of volatility (variation of returns) over the medium to long term (5 years or more). Maintaining the volatility of the Fund within defined limits, while not guaranteed, is prioritised over the generation of income.
Janus Henderson Cr6Inc&Gt I A 2 Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.66 0.50 4.84 3.86 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To provide a sustainable income return with the prospect for capital growth whilst maintaining a moderately high level of volatility (variation of returns) over the medium to long term (5 years or more). Maintaining the volatility of the Fund within defined limits, while not guaranteed, is prioritised over the generation of income.
Janus Henderson Cr6Inc&Gt I I 2 Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.66 0.50 4.84 3.86 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To provide a sustainable income return with the prospect for capital growth whilst maintaining a moderately high level of volatility (variation of returns) over the medium to long term (5 years or more). Maintaining the volatility of the Fund within defined limits, while not guaranteed, is prioritised over the generation of income.
Janus Henderson CtMng I A 2 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.73 0.63 4.77 3.79 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide a return, from a combination of income and capital growth over the long term. Performance target: To outperform the 50% FTSE All Share + 50% ICE Bank of America Sterling Non Gilt Index by 1.5% per annum, before the deduction of charges, over any 5 year period.
Janus Henderson CtMng I I 2 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.73 0.63 4.77 3.79 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide a return, from a combination of income and capital growth over the long term. Performance target: To outperform the 50% FTSE All Share + 50% ICE Bank of America Sterling Non Gilt Index by 1.5% per annum, before the deduction of charges, over any 5 year period.
Janus Henderson DvAlt I A 5 Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.76 0.50 4.74 3.76 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide capital growth, over the long term. Performance target: To outperform the Consumer Price Index by 3% per annum, before the deduction of charges, over any 5 year period.
Janus Henderson EMLC I A 4 Y Y Y Y Y Europe Ex UK OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.85 0.75 4.65 3.67 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide capital growth over the long term. Performance target: To outperform the FTSE World Europe Ex UK Index, after the deduction of charges, over any 5 year period.
Janus Henderson EMOp I A 2 Y Y Y Y Y Global Emerging Markets OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.94 0.75 4.55 3.58 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide a return, from a combination of capital growth and income over the long term. Performance target: To outperform the MSCI Emerging Markets Index by 2% per annum, before the deduction of charges, over any 5 year period.
Janus Henderson EMOp I I 2 Y Y Y Y Y Global Emerging Markets OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.94 0.75 4.55 3.58 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide a return, from a combination of capital growth and income over the long term. Performance target: To outperform the MSCI Emerging Markets Index by 2% per annum, before the deduction of charges, over any 5 year period.
Janus Henderson ErpAbRt I A 3 Y Y Y Y Y Absolute Return OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.89 0.75 4.61 3.63 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide a positive (absolute) return, regardless of market conditions, over any 12 month period. A positive return is not guaranteed over this or any other time period, and particularly over the shorter term the Fund may experience periods of negative returns. Consequently your capital is at risk. Performance target: To outperform SONIA +1% per annum, after the deduction of charges, over any 3 year period.
Janus Henderson ErpFs I A 4 Silver Y Y Y Y Y Europe Ex UK OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.86 0.75 4.64 3.66 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide a return, from a combination of capital growth and income over the long term (5 years or more).
Janus Henderson ErpSlOp I A 4 Silver Y Y Y Y Y Europe Ex UK OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.85 0.75 4.65 3.67 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide a return, from a combination of capital growth and income over the long term (5 years or more).
Janus Henderson ErpSlOp I I 4 Silver Y Y Y Y Y Europe Ex UK OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.85 0.75 4.65 3.67 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide a return, from a combination of capital growth and income over the long term (5 years or more).
Janus Henderson ErpSmCs I A 3 Y Y Y Y Y Europe Ex UK OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.86 0.75 4.64 3.66 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide capital growth over the long term (5 years or more).
Janus Henderson FxIntMtIn I A 1 Silver Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest UKA Acc 0.00 N/A 0.70 0.60 4.80 3.82 Dual 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide a high income. Performance target: To outperform the IA Sterling Strategic Bond sector average, after the deduction of charges, over any 5 year period.
Janus Henderson FxIntMtIn I I 1 Silver Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest UKA Inc 0.00 N/A 0.70 0.60 4.80 3.82 Dual 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide a high income. Performance target: To outperform the IA Sterling Strategic Bond sector average, after the deduction of charges, over any 5 year period.
Janus Henderson FxIntMtIn IQ I 1 Silver Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest UKA Inc 0.00 N/A 0.70 0.60 4.80 3.82 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide a high income. Performance target: To outperform the IA Sterling Strategic Bond sector average, after the deduction of charges, over any 5 year period.
Janus Henderson GblRsMg I A 4 Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.85 0.75 4.65 3.67 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide capital growth over the long term (5 years or more).
Janus Henderson GlEqInc I A 3 Y Y Y Y Y Europe Ex UK OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.85 0.75 4.65 3.67 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide an income in excess of 80% of the income generated by the MSCI ACWI High Dividend Yield Index over any 3 year period with the potential for capital growth over the long term (5 years or more).
Janus Henderson GlEqInc I I 3 Y Y Y Y Y North America OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.85 0.75 4.65 3.67 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide an income in excess of 80% of the income generated by the MSCI ACWI High Dividend Yield Index over any 3 year period with the potential for capital growth over the long term (5 years or more).
Janus Henderson GlFnl I A 3 Y Y Y Y Y North America OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.83 0.75 4.67 3.69 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide capital growth over the long term. Performance target: To outperform the FTSE World Financial Index by 2% per annum, before the deduction of charges, over any 5 year period.
Janus Henderson Global Select I A 2 Y Y Y Y Y North America UKA Acc 0.00 N/A 0.85 0.75 4.65 3.67 Dual 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide capital growth over the long term. Performance target: To outperform the MSCI All Countries World Index by 2.5% per annum, before the deduction of charges, over any 5 year period.
Janus Henderson GlSusEq I A 2 Y Y Y Y Y North America OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.85 0.75 4.65 3.67 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide capital growth over the long term (5 years or more) by investing in companies whose products and services are considered by the Investment Manager as contributing to positive environmental or social change.
Janus Henderson GlSusEq I I 2 Y Y Y Y Y North America OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.85 0.75 4.65 3.67 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide capital growth over the long term (5 years or more) by investing in companies whose products and services are considered by the Investment Manager as contributing to positive environmental or social change.
Janus Henderson GlTcLdr I A 2 Y Y Y Y Y North America OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.85 0.75 4.65 3.67 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide capital growth over the long term. Performance target: To outperform the MSCI ACWI Information Technology Index + MSCI ACWI Communication Services Index, after the deduction of charges, over any 5 year period.
Janus Henderson Inst JpIdOp I A 3 Y Y Y Y Y Japan OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.34 0.30 5.18 4.20 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide a return, of at least that achieved by the Solactive GBS Japan customised Index (the Reference Index) +0.5% per annum, before the deduction of charges, over any 5 year period.
Janus Henderson Inst NtAmIdxOp I A 3 Y Y Y Y Y North America OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.33 0.30 5.19 4.21 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide a return, of at least that achieved by the Solactive GBS North America customised Index (the Reference Index) +0.5% per annum, before the deduction of charges, over any 5 year period.
Janus Henderson Inst OvsBd I I 1 Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.54 0.50 4.97 3.99 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide an income with the potential for capital growth over the long term. Performance target: To outperform the JP Morgan Global Government Bond Ex UK Index by 1% per annum, before the deduction of charges, over any 5 year period.
Janus Henderson Inst UKIxOpTst A I 3 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity UKA Inc 0.00 N/A 0.73 0.50 4.77 3.79 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide a return of at least the Solactive United Kingdom All Cap Index (incl. Investment Trusts) (the Reference Index) +0.5% per annum, before the deduction of charges, over any 5 year period.
Janus Henderson Inst UKIxOpTst I A 3 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity UKA Acc 0.00 N/A 0.33 0.30 5.19 4.21 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide a return of at least the Solactive United Kingdom All Cap Index (incl. Investment Trusts) (the Reference Index) +0.5% per annum, before the deduction of charges, over any 5 year period.
Janus Henderson JpOp I A 4 Y Y Y Y Y Japan OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.86 0.75 4.64 3.66 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide capital growth over the long term. Performance target: To outperform the TOPIX Index by at least 2% per annum, before the deduction of charges, over any 5 year period.
Janus Henderson MAAbRt I A 3 Y Y Y Y Y North America OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.94 0.50 4.55 3.58 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide a positive (absolute) return, regardless of market conditions, over any 12 month period. A positive return is not guaranteed over this or any other time period, and particularly over the shorter term the Fund may experience periods of negative returns. Consequently your capital is at risk. Performance target: To outperform the UK Base Interest Rate, after the deduction of charges, over any 3 year period.
Janus Henderson MlMgAct I A 2 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 1.21 0.75 4.27 3.30 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide capital growth over the long term. Performance target: To outperform the IA Flexible Investment sector average, after the deduction of charges, over any 5 year period.
Janus Henderson MlMgDt I I 2 Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class UKA Inc 0.00 N/A 1.14 0.75 4.35 3.37 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide a sustainable level of income with the potential for capital growth over the long term. Performance target: To outperform the IA Mixed Investment 20-60% Shares sector average, after the deduction of charges, over any 5 year period.
Janus Henderson MlMgDv I A 2 Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class UKA Acc 0.00 N/A 0.90 0.63 4.60 3.62 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide a return, from a combination of capital growth and income over the long term. Performance target: To outperform the IA Mixed Investment 0-35% Shares sector average, after the deduction of charges, over any 5 year period.
Janus Henderson MlMgDv I I 2 Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class UKA Inc 0.00 N/A 0.90 0.63 4.60 3.62 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide a return, from a combination of capital growth and income over the long term. Performance target: To outperform the IA Mixed Investment 0-35% Shares sector average, after the deduction of charges, over any 5 year period.
Janus Henderson MlMgGblSl I A 2 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity UKA Acc 0.00 N/A 1.04 0.63 4.45 3.47 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide capital growth over the long term. Performance target: To outperform the IA Global sector average, after the deduction of charges, over any 5 year period.
Janus Henderson MMInc&Gth I A 2 Y Y Y Y Y Multi Asset Class UKA Acc 0.00 N/A 1.12 0.75 4.37 3.39 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide capital growth, with the potential for some income over the long term. Performance target: To outperform the IA Mixed Investment 20-60% Shares sector average, after the deduction of charges, over any 5 year period.
Janus Henderson MMInc&Gth I I 2 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity UKA Inc 0.00 N/A 1.12 0.75 4.37 3.39 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide capital growth, with the potential for some income over the long term. Performance target: To outperform the IA Mixed Investment 20-60% Shares sector average, after the deduction of charges, over any 5 year period.
Janus Henderson MMMng I A 3 Y Y Y Y Y Specialist OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 1.17 0.75 4.32 3.34 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide capital growth over the long term. Performance target: To outperform the IA Mixed Investment 40-85% Shares sector average, after the deduction of charges, over any 5 year period.
Janus Henderson SgBd I A 1 Silver Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.70 0.60 4.80 3.82 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide a return, from a combination of income and capital growth over the long term. Performance target: To outperform the IA Sterling Strategic Bond sector average, after the deduction of charges, over any 5 year period.
Janus Henderson SgBd I I 1 Silver Y Y Y Y Y International Fixed Interest OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.70 0.60 4.80 3.82 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide a return, from a combination of income and capital growth over the long term. Performance target: To outperform the IA Sterling Strategic Bond sector average, after the deduction of charges, over any 5 year period.
Janus Henderson StBd UT I A 2 Y Y Y Y Y UK Fixed Interest UKA Acc 0.00 N/A 0.60 0.45 4.91 3.93 Dual 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide a sustainable level of income (via a consistent level of distribution) with the potential for capital growth over the long term. Performance target: To outperform the Markit iBoxx GBP Non-Gilts all maturities Index by 1.25% per annum, before the deduction of charges, over any 5 year period.
Janus Henderson StBd UT I I 2 Y Y Y Y Y UK Fixed Interest UKA Inc 0.00 N/A 0.60 0.45 4.91 3.93 Dual 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide a sustainable level of income (via a consistent level of distribution) with the potential for capital growth over the long term. Performance target: To outperform the Markit iBoxx GBP Non-Gilts all maturities Index by 1.25% per annum, before the deduction of charges, over any 5 year period.
Janus Henderson SusFutrTech I A Y Y Y Y Y North America OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.87 0.75 4.63 3.65 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide capital growth over the long term (5 years or more) by investing in technology-related companies that contribute to the development of a sustainable global economy.
Janus Henderson UKAl I A 1 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.85 0.75 4.65 3.67 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide capital growth over the long term (5 years or more).
Janus Henderson UKEqInc&Gt I A 2 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.85 0.75 4.65 3.67 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide a dividend income, with prospects for both income and capital growth over the long term (5 years or more).
Janus Henderson UKEqInc&Gt I I 2 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.85 0.75 4.65 3.67 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide a dividend income, with prospects for both income and capital growth over the long term (5 years or more).
Janus Henderson UKRsInc I Acc 2 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.85 0.75 4.65 3.67 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide an income with the potential for capital growth over the long term (5 years or more).
Janus Henderson UKRsInc I I 2 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.85 0.75 4.65 3.67 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide an income with the potential for capital growth over the long term (5 years or more).
Janus Henderson UKSmlCmp I A 2 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.85 0.75 4.65 3.67 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide capital growth over the long term (5 years or more).
Janus Henderson USGt I A 2 Neutral Y Y Y Y Y North America OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.85 0.75 4.65 3.67 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide capital growth over the long term. Performance target: To outperform the S&P 500 Index by at least 2.5% per annum, before the deduction of charges, over any 5 year period.
Janus Henderson USSusEq I A Y Y Y Y Y North America OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.85 0.75 4.65 3.67 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide capital growth over the long term (5 years or more) by investing in US companies whose products and services are considered by the Investment Manager as contributing to positive environmental or social change.
JK Investment Management LLP
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Yield after charges:
Investment Name Crown Rating OBSR Rating GIA ISA SIPP BOND RE-REG Sector Type Unit/Share Type Discounted Initial Charge % TER% OCF% AMC% from 7% from 6% Pricing Wealthtime Dealing Point Select
JK JpnFunds GBP 5 Y Y Y Y Y Japan SIB Acc 0.00 N/A 0.82 0.50 4.68 3.70 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The investment objective of the Fund is to achieve long term capital appreciation. The Fund will seek to achieve its investment objective by investing in a portfolio of Japanese equities that the Investment Manager believes to be undervalued given their long term growth and business prospects.
JK JpnFunds Unhdg GBP 5 Y Y Y Y Y Japan SIB Acc 0.00 N/A 0.82 0.50 4.68 3.70 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The investment objective of the Fund is to achieve long term capital appreciation. The Fund will seek to achieve its investment objective by investing in a portfolio of Japanese equities that the Investment Manager believes to be undervalued given their long term growth and business prospects.
JO Hambro Capital Management
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Yield after charges:
Investment Name Crown Rating OBSR Rating GIA ISA SIPP BOND RE-REG Sector Type Unit/Share Type Discounted Initial Charge % TER% OCF% AMC% from 7% from 6% Pricing Wealthtime Dealing Point Select
JOHCM Asia ex Japan A GBP 2 Y Y Y Y Y Pacific Ex Japan SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 1.59 0.90 3.88 2.91 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To generate long-term capital growth through active management of a portfolio of Asian (excluding Japanese) equities.
JOHCM AsiaexJapSmandMdCap A GBP 4 Y Y Y Y Y Pacific Ex Japan SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 1.40 0.90 4.08 3.11 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The investment objective of the Fund is to seek out small and mid-cap stocks which have the potential to grow and become much higher market capitalisation stocks over the long term.
JOHCM CntlEurp Y 4 Bronze Y Y Y Y Y Europe Ex UK SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 0.72 0.63 4.78 3.80 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To generate long-term capital growth through active management of a portfolio of European (excluding UK) equities.
JOHCM CntlEurp Y Hgd GBP 4 Bronze Y Y Y Y Y Europe Ex UK SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 0.72 0.63 4.78 3.80 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To generate long-term capital growth through active management of a portfolio of European (excluding UK) equities.
JOHCM European Sel Val A GBP 1 Y Y Y Y Y Europe Ex UK SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 0.83 0.75 4.67 3.69 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The aim of the Fund is to achieve long-term capital appreciation, through investment in equity securities of companies domiciled or exercising the predominant part of their economic activities in Europe, which are listed on European exchanges or a Recognised Exchange.
JOHCM Gbl Emrg Mkts Opps A GBP 4 Silver Y Y Y Y Y Global Emerging Markets SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 1.05 0.90 4.44 3.46 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To generate long-term capital growth through active management of a portfolio of equities listed on emerging stock markets.
JOHCM Gbl Opps A GBP 2 Y Y Y Y Y North America SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 0.83 0.75 4.67 3.69 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The investment objective of the Fund is to achieve long-term total return by investing in a concentrated portfolio of global equity securities.
JOHCM GblSlct A GBP 1 Y Y Y Y Y North America SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 0.79 0.75 4.71 3.73 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To generate long-term total returns through active management of a concentrated portfolio of global securities.
JOHCM Glbl Oprtns A Acc 3 Y Y Y Y Y North America OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.99 0.90 4.50 3.53 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund’s investment objective is to achieve capital growth over a 7 to 10 year period whilst generating income.
JOHCM UK Dynamic Y Acc 3 Bronze Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.68 0.63 4.82 3.84 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To generate long-term capital growth through active management of a portfolio of UK equities.
JOHCM UK Dynamic Y Inc 3 Bronze Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.68 0.63 4.82 3.84 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To generate long-term capital growth through active management of a portfolio of UK equities.
JOHCM UK Growth A 1 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity SIB Inc 0.00 N/A 0.82 0.75 4.68 3.70 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The investment objective of the Fund is to achieve long term capital growth in excess of the FTSE All Share Total Return Index.
JOHCM UK Oprtnits Y Acc 2 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.77 0.63 4.73 3.75 Single 10:30AM Daily
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JOHCM UK Oprtnits Y Inc 2 Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.77 0.63 4.73 3.75 Single 10:30AM Daily
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JOHCM UKEqInc Y Acc 2 Silver Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.69 0.63 4.81 3.83 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to generate long-term capital and income growth through active management of a portfolio of UK listed equities • Established income investors James Lowen and Clive Beagles abide by a strict dividend yield discipline, which leads to an emphasis on higher-yielding stocks and promotes a naturally contrarian style • The Fund will typically have significant exposure to small and mid-cap stocks, often giving the portfolio a different holdings profile to many other income funds.
JOHCM UKEqInc Y Inc 2 Silver Y Y Y Y Y UK Equity OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.66 0.63 4.84 3.86 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to generate long-term capital and income growth through active management of a portfolio of UK listed equities • Established income investors James Lowen and Clive Beagles abide by a strict dividend yield discipline, which leads to an emphasis on higher-yielding stocks and promotes a naturally contrarian style • The Fund will typically have significant exposure to small and mid-cap stocks, often giving the portfolio a different holdings profile to many other income funds.
Regnan Gbl Equity Impact Sol A Acc 1 Y Y Y Y Y North America OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.89 0.75 4.61 3.63 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Sub-fund aims to achieve capital growth in excess of the MSCI ACWI IMI Index (net of fees) over rolling 5 year periods and to generate a positive impact by investing in companies that have the potential to address the world’s major social and environmental challenges.
Regnan Sustain Water & Waste A Acc Y Y Y N Y North America OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.89 0.85 4.61 3.63 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to generate capital growth over rolling 5-year periods and to pursue a sustainable objective by investing in companies which provide solutions to the global water and/or waste related challenges.
JP Morgan Asset Management UK
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Yield after charges:
Investment Name Crown Rating OBSR Rating GIA ISA SIPP BOND RE-REG Sector Type Unit/Share Type Discounted Initial Charge % TER% OCF% AMC% from 7% from 6% Pricing Wealthtime Dealing Point Select
JPM Asia Growth C Acc 2 Bronze Y Y Y Y Y Pacific Ex Japan OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.82 0.75 4.68 3.70 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To provide capital growth over the long-term (5- 10 years) by investing at least 80% of the Fund’s assets in a growth biased portfolio of companies in Asia (excluding Japan).
JPM Asia Growth C Inc 2 Bronze Y Y Y Y Y Pacific Ex Japan OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.90 0.75 4.60 3.62 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To provide capital growth over the long-term (5- 10 years) by investing at least 80% of the Fund’s assets in a growth biased portfolio of companies in Asia (excluding Japan).
JPM Emerging Markets B Acc 2 Silver Y Y Y Y Y Global Emerging Markets OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 1.08 1.00 4.41 3.43 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To provide long term capital growth by investing primarily in equity and equity-linked securities of emerging arkets companies.
JPM Emerging Markets B Inc 2 Silver Y Y Y Y Y Global Emerging Markets OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 1.15 1.00 4.34 3.36 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To provide long term capital growth by investing primarily in equity and equity-linked securities of emerging arkets companies.
JPM Emerging Markets C Acc 2 Silver Y Y Y Y Y Global Emerging Markets OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.83 0.75 4.67 3.69 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To provide long term capital growth by investing primarily in equity and equity-linked securities of emerging arkets companies.
JPM Emerging Markets C Inc 2 Silver Y Y Y Y Y Global Emerging Markets OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.83 0.75 4.67 3.69 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To provide long term capital growth by investing primarily in equity and equity-linked securities of emerging arkets companies.
JPM Emerging Markets Income C Acc 5 Silver Y Y Y Y Y Global Emerging Markets OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.90 0.75 4.60 3.62 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To provide a portfolio designed to achieve income by investing at least 80% of the Fund’s assets in equity securities of emerging markets companies in any economic sector whilst participating in capital growth over the long-term (5-10 years)
JPM Emerging Markets Income C Inc 5 Silver Y Y Y Y Y Global Emerging Markets OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.88 0.75 4.62 3.64 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To provide a portfolio designed to achieve income by investing at least 80% of the Fund’s assets in equity securities of emerging markets companies in any economic sector whilst participating in capital growth over the long-term (5-10 years)
JPM Emerging Mkts Sust Equity C Acc 3 Silver Y Y Y Y Y Global Emerging Markets OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.86 0.75 4.64 3.66 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To provide capital growth over the long-term (5-10 years) by investing primarily in emerging market Sustainable Companies or companies that demonstrate improving sustainable characteristics. Sustainable Companies are those that the Investment Manager believes to have effective governance and superior management of environmental and social issues (sustainable characteristics).
JPM Emerging Mkts Sust Equity C I 3 Silver Y Y Y Y Y Global Emerging Markets OIC Inc 0.00 N/A 0.90 0.75 4.60 3.62 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To provide capital growth over the long-term (5-10 years) by investing primarily in emerging market Sustainable Companies or companies that demonstrate improving sustainable characteristics. Sustainable Companies are those that the Investment Manager believes to have effective governance and superior management of environmental and social issues (sustainable characteristics).
JPM EmgEurEqII C A Y Y Y Y Y Europe Ex UK OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.90 0.75 4.60 3.62 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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JPM Erp(ex-UK)RschEnhIdxEq E Acc 4 Y Y Y Y Y Europe Ex UK OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.35 0.25 5.17 4.19 n/a 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: To provide capital growth and outperform the FTSE All World Developed Europe ex UK Index (Net) (the "Benchmark") over the long term (5-10 years), after fees, by investing primarily in a portfolio of European companies (ex-UK); the risk characteristics of the portfolio of securities held by the Fund will resemble the risk characteristics of the portfolio of securities held in the Benchmark. Uses a research-driven investment process that is based on the fundamental analysis of companies and their future earnings and cash flows by a team of specialist sector analysts. Enhanced index approach that builds a portfolio in reference to the benchmark by overweighting securities with the highest potential to outperform and underweighting securities considered most overvalued. Diversified portfolio with disciplined, risk-controlled portfolio construction. The Fund will invest in companies that are incorporated under the laws of, and have their registered office in a European country (excluding the UK), or that derive the predominant part of their economic activity from a European country (excluding the UK), even if listed elsewhere. The Fund uses a research driven investment process that is based on the fundamental analysis of companies and their future earnings and cash flows by a research team of specialist sector analysts. The Fund uses an enhanced index approach that builds a portfolio in reference to the Benchmark by overweighting securities with the highest potential to outperform and underweighting securities considered most overvalued. The Fund's outperformance relative to the benchmark is constrained as the risk characteristics of the portfolio of securities held by the Fund resemble the risk characteristics of the portfolio of securities held in the Benchmark. Financial Derivative Instruments may be used for the purpose of Efficient Portfolio Management, including hedging, where appropriate. The Fund may invest in assets denominated in any currency and non-Sterling currency exposure will typically be managed to the currency weights of the Benchmark.
JPM ErpSusEq C Acc 5 Y Y Y Y Y Europe Ex UK OIC Acc 0.00 N/A 0.63 0.50 4.88 3.90 Single 10:30AM Daily
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Objective: The Fund aims to provide capital growth over the long-term (5-10 years) by investing at least 80% of the Fund’s assets in the shares of European Sustainable Companies (excluding the UK) in any economic sector, or companies that demonstrate improving sustainable characteristics. Sustainable Companies are those that the Investment Manager believes to have effective governance and superior management of environmental and social issues (sustainable characteristics).